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Daddy's Baby Girl

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Minikins Oops is still her daddy's little girl. Even though she's a chubette now, Inky remembers when she was the cuddly kitten who needed his reassurance after another nose bruise.
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@eagleslair He does the same thing Mama Sita does and holds them in place with his front "arms." Minikins was adoring his attention in this photo and even put her "arm" up to encourage him - "More, more, please." 💕💖💕


Taking such good care of his 'baby'. (barb)


@Bugster I adore the way this family uses their front legs and paws to hug each other. In addition, Mama Sita and Inky, as "parents," use theirs to direct and control their offspring for safety alerts and grooming sessions. It is fascinating to watch. 👀 😻


What a precious pic. 💕

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17 June 2018 - 17 June 2014
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