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2000 yr old Floor mosaic of Medusa, Rhodes

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It is a bit faint but this is a floor mosaic of Medusa in the Grand Palace of the Knights of St John in Rhodes, Greece dating from 2nd century BC. In Greek mythology, Medusa was said to have snakes instead of hair
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@RiverSmiles I didn't turn to stone!


Thanks Marina for explaining the Greek mythology surrounding Medusa. You have explained it much better than I could


The mosaic was preserved for so long because people were not allowed to be near it.

This is the story of Medusa. She was originally a beautiful maiden who was seduced by Poseidon in a shrine to Minerva (goddess Athena) and in retaliation for desecrating her shrine, Minerva turned Medusa's lovely hair into snakes. Medusa was beheaded by the Greek hero Perseus, who then used her head, which retained its ability to turn onlookers to stone, as a weapon.


Aaaahh! Don't look! (Umm, I couldn't resist). :-)


It is amazing really, Jill. It was roped off to prevent people walking on it.


Magnificently preserved, 2,000 years! Brilliant TFP

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