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The Grocer's Flirtation

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  1. barbie691:30:06
  2. Oddvig1:50:05
  3. kslater2:06:15
  4. meb32:06:59
  5. MSpinner2:11:25
  6. desbarats2:13:01
  7. BAWR2:14:41
  8. plhh2:17:38
  9. jennaleigh2:20:28
  10. marialeski2:21:47


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Clever of you, Jenny. That translation of yours at least fits the picture in context. Well done! xoxo


Number one of the 'new' puzzles done and dusted. Someone might know what the labels say? I've tried and I think it might be 'pick of the day' ?

Great, Karen! You're very welcome! xoxo

Corrydekkers, Thank you very much; I really appreciate it. I'm glad that you enjoyed this one; the ladies are favorites of mine! Of course, you are very welcome!
:-D Jeanne Marie

Fun puzzle! Thanks!


just a note to thank you for all your hard work. Just LOVE this picture.....very funny.....thank you and keep up the excellent work.....C

LOL, do it! I was surprised to find a few new ones while others that I wanted to remake have now disappeared from the internet.


OMG - I have never seen this before JM. Now do I save it for a bit or do it now? I will have to give this some careful consideration...

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