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Cute n Kitschy Kittens

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Staying with the kitten theme here is a bunch or clowder of kitten fabrics.

Credits:Michael Miller, Fancymoon, Zazzle, Tymbercreekfabrics, kittyworlds, modes4u, Dear Little World, Spectrix, loomshowroom, 4my3boyz, Makower, winette2436, Payton Fabrics, Loom Exquisite Textiles, Quilting Treasures, printpattern, Spoonflower, Aless Bayliss, Carolyn Gavin, lecomptoir, Alexander Henry, FabricAnnex, Cat Commerce, Polyvore, Liberty, Jazzy Space, Terapeak, Fields Fabrics, Hello Kitty, Kokka Fabrics, CafeChoo, Quilt Girl, Cosmo Japan, Sanrio, electricfoxfabrics, Timeless Treasures, Daisy Hillyard, Robert Kaufman, Janet Clare, Maggie Walker, Jody Scaltreto, AliExpress, Elgato Gomez Arts, Rosina Wachtmeister, Laurel Burch, Oxana Zaika
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Thanks Cirrus - glad you enjoyed it and the stoires. Jayne


Wow, great puzzle, great stories as I am a cat kinda guy, lol. Meow


Thank you very Zip for the stories and the enquiry. All is going much better than it was. I shall see for myself on Thursday.

Thanks Woodowl, I hadn't thought of George for many years but I had just watched "A Street Cat Named Bob" on Netflix which I recommend BTW and memory came back. Cats are great creatures, we had one as a child who used to go bonkers over cantaloupe she just loved it, also corn on the cob, there was no rest until she got her own cob with a row or two of kernels left on and she would chase that thing around the kitchen floor until there was bare and very done. The rule was that whoever relented and put it down for her, for the peace mopped the floor. It was a small price to pay for such fun. I hope that your Mom is well again and thanks for posting another great puzzle.


Thanks so much Wendy, I'll chat to her a bit later I hope and find out how things are going. Cat's definitely are characters. I had one that used to lie in wait on top of cupboards or doors and drop down onto the top of people's heads, claws extended into the scalp to prevent slippage! Fortunately she grew out of it but adored blueberry yoghurt and avocado pear. Definitely a one of a kind cat. Glad you enjoyed today's effort. Jayne

So pleased to hear the news about your mum Jayne. Loved today's puzzle. We have never had a cat only dogs but my son has cats and they all have their always sat on the back of the settee and you sidestepped to avoid the paw swipe on the way into the room! Thanks as ever....Wendy x


I love the stories and am so sad for Gorgeous George Zippity. What can possess people to be so cruel? We get such unconditional love from animals it seems like a very poor return. Pounce is playing with small paper balls I guess we will get to the point when she will start playing with wool. Enjoy your kittens Therese. Glad you all enjoyed the puzzle, including you Tiina. Jayne


Charming !!! Thanks, Jayne :-) t.

Will do. Thanks t.


Actually the kitties' mother (the apartment complex stray) found me and decided that my bedroom closet was the perfect place to have her first litter of kittens. Two of them got adopted as soon as they were ready and I have the last two with me. I currently have a "yarn art" instillation between the living room and dining room.
As I read your post I recalled a book "the fur person" by May Sarton. Find it, trust me.

So I looked around one day and there he was, politely asking for a meal. Of course! He stayed, I had sworn never again but what can you do. He had been kicked in the mouth and it took a couple of trips to the vet and his near starvation before I could convince him to look harder, and there was a sincere apology, and a free repair. It was months before he stopped watching my foot movements. He would follow me to the store and back if I needed to get him some food and then there was the great happy discovery of chicken wing tid bits and a profound declaration of Love. I had to teach him to purr and he could have lead the choir.
The kids would knock on my door and ask if he could come out and play street hockey with them and that was fun to watch, he would chase them around and they would let him have the puck from time to time and a couple of times he actually scored a goal. Sort of. He was a large sleek Orange tabby with orange eyes and I called him Georgeous George because he was. Eventually I tried to keep him inside and there were some epic life and death struggles at the door which I mostly won but still one day.... I heard the motor revving and I knew. I immediately went calling for him and found him in the middle of an angry next door neighboors (correct sp.) lane, deliberately run over. Months previously before I had had him fixed George had marked his tire and this was his revenge. George was more of man than he was. As they say gone but not forgotten. We can only hope that these innocent souls are happy and frisking in the Great Happy Hunting Fields of catnip heaven. I am glad that you have found your little foofus and are giving her a happy home, good for you; she found you, good for her.


Love the puzzle. Looking at the individual "pictures" made my mind go to the names of all my past kitties.
Lovely memories.

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