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A Tisket, A Target..... (Smaller)

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  1. Wily1:18
  2. 2dogs7cats1:19
  3. Kifus11:24
  4. jastewart881:25
  5. granlin1:27
  6. katwoody991:28
  7. aishahm1:30
  8. annefar1:31
  9. picitimi1:32
  10. pdevredis1:32


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Oooops! LOL!

That sounds like a great vacation, Ardy, especially with the company you'll get to keep! I was on Cape Cod once, 46 years ago (honeymoon!), but I've never been to Canada, although I've wanted to go for a long time...... I hope you have a wonderful and safe trip!

Thanks so much, Lela, Aishah, Ardy, and Edie! :-DDD


And he's gone, as usual. : )


I appear to be right at the bottom........


Lela try and stay near the top of the target that way if the chain mail fails you won't be messing up Pat's puzzle. If you know what I mean......


OH!! Now I see it........(I must have been thinking the same way as autocorrect).


The cliche is "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", but autocorrect changed it to "announce of prevention"..........sigh.....

Ooops, just called in to doctor--back later....


Pat, this and the comments are so much fun. This will make an even better Kaleido collage than the caterpillar. Thanks. It's a great puzzle. I'm heading to Cape Cod for the weekend by car. Wish it were Cape Ann but it will be wonderful to be by the ocean. From there heading for Canada, Toronto to be specific. Next week Thursday I'll be meeting with Barb and Edie. I'm traveling with Michelle (puzzaddled). Won't be solving much between now and the 21st of Sept and not posting at all.


Not really.....they still waft gracefully in the wind......


That must be awfully heavy on those big delicate ears!


The ear covering is chain mail........which I think is very appropriately named......


Sorry I was late! I had to go and dig out my darts. It's been a while since I had the pleasure of playing darts.

Armor? Really, Lela? They make armor that will fit over those enormous ears of yours?


I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.....could you please translate?.......


Announce of prevention and all that......

I left that exactly as Autocorrect changed it--apparently, it gets annoyed at cliches and tries to make them fresh again.......


I am wearing a suit of armour, as you-know-who is sure to turn up with her steel-tipped darts.........

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