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Cleaning the smokebox

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Looks comfy, and you get to sit down on the job.
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  1. snipergunny6:27
  2. tjameson8:16
  3. Budrox8:17
  4. sweetdee8:38
  5. colinf9:15
  6. albertwinestein9:36
  7. griffjohn10:06
  8. Benmau10:14
  9. jksj11:19
  10. Doehetdanzelf12:16


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That'll come later, Jmeiners (graduated from high school or born in 1963?).
For now, he was just vacuuming the smokebox. I sat on a nearby bench until I started choking from all the soot the vacuum wasn't hanging on to and the air was hazy. He was wearing a mask, not sure how well it protected him. We used to have a hospital here that was called Miners Hospital because so many people died of black lung disease. Hope I make it a couple of more years after that cleanout. :-) ~Gayle

That's a handsome pup you have!


Tubes have to be scrubbed


Haha, Nev! Yes, I suppose it is. I'm glad you made me look at it this way. ;-))


It's a bit like being a Gastroenterologist isn't it, looking after the stomach and intestines. :-)))

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