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Susie: October 5, 2012, the day I Got a New Furrever Home!

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The first time I saw Susie she was in the cat enclosure of a major pet store and up for adoption. She had her back against the solid panel with her back to the store. I fell in love immediately and then it took me 3 days to get her out of purgatory.
When I got her home that sweet tiny girl (only 4.5 pounds) walked straight through all the bigger kids and surveyed her new domain. When Meowser got a little too nosy, she stoped, turned her head around to look at him and issues a Siamese-styled "HISSSS!!!!" and continued her survey.
She quickly made herself at home and lived happily until her death in 2017. Still miss that girl! ☺☺♥☺♥
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  1. GetJiggy3:38
  2. leftytim3:48
  3. DeDonder4:06
  4. babray4:11
  5. webpeggy4:20
  6. dianajnelson4:23
  7. Impie4:27
  8. lindaleigh4:28
  9. Dustycat5:11
  10. Erzulis5:11


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☺♥☺♥☺♥ I think she did... and she waited patiently for 3 days!!!


Clearly, she knew you were for her.

She was quite a character. The first time I picked her up at the big box pet store she snuggled onto my shoulder. ♥♥♥


Aw, she looks like she's so thankful you found her too.

Thank you Rebecca, she settled in as soon as her feet hit the floor. ☺☺☺


Great story about how quickly she sized up the great change in her situation, and approved. :)

Thank you, webpeggy!


Beautiful Susie.

Anne, I couldn't agree more! It really was love at first sight. The Rescue coordinator's son had an accident that took some time and I was too honest which meant she had to approve the adoption. The store manager finally got tired of me calling and intervened with her so I could pick her up! The first time I held her that first day she just snuggled into my shoulder, a total stranger!!! WOW!


A wonderful story, Betty. Lucky Susie! Lucky you! ♥♥

Thank you all for your lovely comments!
Anne, the interesting thing about her back story was that her first guardian was from a little town south of town and was the good friend of one of my friend's aunt. I asked her to check and see what she could find about about Susie, her food preferences etc. NOBODY knew she even had a cat!
And, Impie, you are right 2 years seems like a long time but it doesn't feel like it. Tisketsmum, she for sure was loved and because she was the elder I tended to spoil her more!


Sorry for your loss of this precious kitty. Know that when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge, she was met by other cats and is very happy. She was nice enough to let you take care of her food, litter tray and toys, not to mention making sure she had a nice place to rest. All our cats were either strays or from the humane society. Our first four left us after many years with us. We now have two humane society cats that we just love. Jessie came to us in November and unknown to us, needed extensive dental work. We found that out when we took her to OUR vet for a check up 2 days after we got her from the humane society. Jessie is still very skittish around me and yet, I'm the one who cleans and feeds her. But at least she has a playmate and a nice happy house to live in. We still remember and talk about our first 4 cats as though they were here yet. Cats give us such happy memories. We enjoy them to the fullest while they are with us and that is how it should be. Of course you still miss her, any cat owner will. Enjoy her memories. Peace to you.


Betty you should be proud that you made her last 5 years happy where she was loved and cared for.
We never forget the ones we've loved and lost, we just make room in our hearts for some more.


Aw, she looks like she's had a rough life before you....but I'm sure she was very happy and content at your home. Pretty kitty!


Of course you still miss her....2 years seem a long time, but surely doesn't feel like it!! ♥
She was beautiful, Betty, thanks for your lovely story!
They may not be around anymore, but they'll never leave our thoughts and heart!!! ♥♥

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