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I am Shirley. Since I was born in 1942, it's a safe guess that I was named after Shirley Temple. I am a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. I retired from being a proofreader and copy editor for a newspaper and now I spend my winter days reading by the fireplace and my summer days reading in a hammock in the woods. My favorite part of Jigidi is making my own puzzles and sharing with friends.

J'ai rejoint Jigidi le 2 juillet 2017 et j'ai été vu pour la dernière fois le 4 octobre 2024. J'ai résolu 383 puzzles (0.1 quotidien) et assemblé 28396 pièces (10.7 quotidien).

Puzzles créés par cet utilisateur:

31 mai 2021 - 26 octobre 2020
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