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Copy-right infringement on any of the images I post is NEVER intended. However because of the volume of pictures I post, and the various sites I visit to find them, it is difficult to always give proper credit to the original publisher of the image. Also I would like to add a simple thank you to everyone that solves these puzzles, follows me as a contributor, and takes the time to comment. It makes me very happy to see that people enjoy my puzzles and the titles that accompany them. ;) Thank you all again and Happy New Year~

J'ai rejoint Jigidi le 9 janvier 2014 et j'ai été vu pour la dernière fois le 12 avril 2024. J'ai résolu 3887 puzzles (1 quotidien) et assemblé 260535 pièces (69.5 quotidien).

Puzzles publiés par cet utilisateur:

12 mai 2023 - 17 avril 2023
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