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99 pièces
62 résolutions
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  1. morningqiuqiu9:16
  2. zeronada10:38
  3. ELFkkk10:40
  4. susannea11:59
  5. recc7415:17
  6. Shalynn17:25
  7. LadyElle13417:33
  8. mmda17:54
  9. KuskiM18:37
  10. marygraves18:37


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I've seen some articles with instructions about growing tomtoes in containers, especially cherry tomatoes. I have a yard and had no luck growing them, though.


My former neighbor used to grow tomatoes . Unfortunately our yards consist of only balconies but those tomatoes tasted good


I see you're new to Jigidi, so welcome. This is a delightful arrangement and makes an interesting puzzle - thanks. Your tomatoes are beautiful, rightly celebrated.



Did you grow these!

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