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Hanging Out with my Boys

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Top to bottom: Mama Sita, Alvar Tikkeri, Laviini Kissa

Sunday Breakfast is over, so we all went to check on how the birds and squirrels were enjoying their seeds and nuts.
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@Bugster Thanks for the sweet comment. You and I have those favorites of our cats and kittens. 💞 Of course, this will now be another one of mine. 😊


@beyondwords I agree. The most I've ever had sitting in front of the TV and actually watching one of their bird videos were two. And they required separate stools! On the porch with the real world, it used to be every cat for themselves - but not this family.


1254GAgirl Laviini always manages to find a space for himself and never lose his balance. 🤭


@dobrajaneckova Great thought - I have yet to show them the videos on television, but they've watched birds chirping on my phone - one at a time though. 😉


Great picture of those three. I love it, Pam ❤️💕


A bundle of beauties.


All in a row. I haven't often seen three cats watching cat TV at the same time.

Their perch is perfect!


They are great - like the front row at the cinema. 😉

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

17 février 2020 - 29 janvier 2014
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