Resuelve, crea, comparte y habla de puzzles
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I was born and raised in the Cotswolds in England UK but my mother was Belgian so I spent a lot of time in Brussels over the years. I have many varied interests & passions including music (an eclectic mix which includes anything from Gregorian chant to disco & lots in between!); art (all kinds but mainly folk & naive); architecture (all kinds but I favour Gothic), word games & puzzles (keeps my brain working!); trees (woodland & forests); plants & flowers (all kinds including fungi) & my garden; animals (all kinds of wild, farm, & domestic, including insects); crafting (mainly knitting, crochet, beadwork, embroidery, tapestry/needlepoint); & dolls houses and miniaturia (which I make, buy, sell, & collect) - at last count I have, I think, 13 dolls houses in various states of completion.

If you'd like to see more of a particular genre of my puzzles either click on a 'Collection' box below (works in progress!) or, when you are signed in, type or copy & paste one of the links I've listed below into the Jigidi 'Search' bar/box where you should be taken directly to your chosen genre of my puzzles to save you scrolling through them to find what you want. (If you can't find the search box, go 'Puzzles' at the top left-hand side of your Jigidi page, then click on 'Categories', scroll down past the listed categories to the 'Search' box, & then type or copy & paste either of the following links)...

cutwork (for Sandra Gilpin cutwork puzzles)
nickyscats (for puzzles of my various cats)
nickysart (for my own artwork puzzles)
nickyscolouring (for puzzles of pictures I have coloured in various colouring books)
nickysmandalas (for puzzles of mandalas I have either created myself or ones I have coloured in various colouring books)
nickyscards (for my card-making puzzles)
nickyscraftwrk (for puzzles of my various craftwork projects)
nickysneedlework (for puzzles of my own needlework & others I've acquired)
nickysdhouses (for puzzles of my dolls houses & items I make for them)
nickysminis (for puzzles of miniatures I've made myself for both my & other people's dolls houses)
nickysdolls (for puzzles of my doll collection)
nickyspweights (for my own paperweight collection & others)
nickysgarden (for puzzles of my garden)
nickysallotment (for puzzles of husband, Jim's, allotment)
nickyswinterscenes (for puzzles of talented artists' Winter scenes)
nickysweatherhouses (for puzzles of beautiful handcrafted weather houses)
nickyscuckooclocks (for puzzles of beautiful handcrafted cuckoo clocks)

Me uní a Jigidi el 27 enero 2013 y fui visto por última vez el 13 febrero 2025. He resuelto 21882 puzles (5 diariamente) y juntado 541790 piezas (123.1 diariamente).


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