Resuelve, crea, comparte y habla de puzzles
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Hi! I'm a Canadian, living in Toronto. I love solving jigsaw puzzles.

Growing up, my father would buy them, and as a family we would gather around the kitchen table together to solve them. Now I have the pleasure of creating my own and posting them here for everyone to solve. I hope you enjoy them. (✿◠‿◠)

~ Robyn ~
Please feel free to call me Robyn in lieu of InConcert35. :))

Small puzzles 0 - 150 Pieces can be found under InConcert35_Small.
Large puzzles 150 to 400+ Pieces (or more) will be posted under InConcert35.

Me uní a Jigidi el 13 mayo 2011 y fui visto por última vez el 2 diciembre 2024. He resuelto 12760 puzles (2.6 diariamente) y juntado 2580215 piezas (521.1 diariamente).

Puzzles creados por este usuario:

24 abril 2022 - 23 julio 2020
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