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We have 3 grandchildren; Kayla 17 yr, Christopher 14 yr, and Carrie 11 yr. We have 1 dog a Labrador Retriever named Sally who is an Emotional Support Animal for me. I also have a female African spur-thigh tortoise named Georgie. Both the grandchildren and our pets are huge joys in our lives. My husband and I are semi-retired and really enjoy the slower pace. We also smile so much more now!

Me uní a Jigidi el 12 julio 2014 y fui visto por última vez el 4 diciembre 2024. He resuelto 19300 puzles (5.1 diariamente) y juntado 1897026 piezas (499.5 diariamente).

Este usuario no ha publicado ningún puzzle.

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