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Tabla de líderes

  1. Pappadok1:14
  2. andie9831:16
  3. Yose1:20
  4. hsm1:20
  5. Carol661:25
  6. pedro11111:26
  7. Jackie481:27
  8. hiccups1:28
  9. pkin381:30
  10. sparklightie1:31


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niccolino59 i have never smoked and have stage 3 asthma. i have worked in very dusty environments. old age is not for sissies. pedro i also ask what is the dish??


This looks delicious!
I'm embarrassed to say I smoked from the age of 10 until the age of 36. I'm in my 60s now & still have asthma & lung probs. All the members of my family smoked except my father, & he is 98yrs old, still living independently in the house where I was born. Education wasn't what it is now back then.


Mňammm, skvělá svačinka! :-)


Many of us....too late too smart!!! Ya think?


My uncle smoked Pall Mall's, he did quit after his lungs started started bothering him. @bevpuzzler8


The Pall Mall brand was introduced in 1899 by the Black Butler Company (UK) in an attempt to cater to the upper class with the first "premium" cigarette. It is named after Pall Mall, a well-known street in the St James's area of London, containing several of the private clubs which such people patronized.

In 1907, Pall Mall was acquired by the American Tobacco Company with the sale of Butler & Butler. The new owners used the premium brand to test innovations in cigarette design, such as, in 1939, the "king-size" (now the standard size for cigarettes at 85 mm, although today that includes the filter length), and a new way of stuffing tobacco that supposedly made cigarettes easier on the throat.

I could not see Pall Mall until I did the puzzle. I had that nasty habit when just out of high school. i thought I was the cat's meown....6-15-23🐸


Pedro, what do you call this dish????


To vypadá moc a moc dobře! 😊


It is delicious looking Pedro, but that pack of Pall Mall isn't.


Looks yummy - never seen anything like this, thx!!


Looks tasty!


What an exciting looking plate!


Looks soooooo good.....



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