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“Close encounter”

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Contestant for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award
Close encounter by Guillermo Esteves, USA

“The worried looking expression on this dog’s face speaks volumes and is a reminder that moose are large, unpredictable, wild animals.

“Guillermo was photographing moose on the side of the road at Antelope Flats in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA, when this large bull took an interest in the furry visitor – the driver of the car unable to move it before the moose made its approach. Luckily, the moose lost interest and went on its way after a few moments.”

Courtesy of the Natural History Museum, London
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Tabla de líderes

  1. thedizzyweasel5:09
  2. nosnow_here6:31
  3. Kaffesoester8:47
  4. eaross8:56
  5. Despinaz9:30
  6. stunned9:34
  7. ian19489:46
  8. Bill_I_Am10:38
  9. e_mar1011:46
  10. Kalola12:25


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You and most dog-owners, Eddie. :-|


well this turned into a win win situation, good dog. If it had been my dog I would have been calling my insurance company in about 15 minutes after the encounter.


Yeah, can you imagine? Huh. You're welcome, stunned.

The poor moose looks like he wants someone to play with....lucky the dog seems to be smart enough not to make a fuss. Thanks for this great post.


Haha! :-)


"And they tell me I'm a big dog"!


:-) You're welcome, Gayle. :-)


If moose could smile, this moose would be smiling. Sorta like the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood. Thanks, Bill!


Pat, I can totally see that scenario when I read your description. :-)))


Donna, let's hope the dog remembered his lessons about not speaking to strangers. :-)


You're welcome, diz. Thanks for the visit!


Yes, they sure are, Judy.


Because of the moose's mouth shape, he looks like he's saying, "Hi there. What's your name, little buddy?" And the dog is just. not. buying. it. :-))


The expression on the face of that dog is very wise. Much and all as most of us would like to see wildlife up close, we also realise the potential and inherent dangers. They are WILD.


Nice one! Thx


These are pretty dangerous to be around due to their size.

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16 abril 2022 - 4 enero 2014
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