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Me and my Best Friend

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88 piezas
79 resoluciones
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Gracias por compartir. Aquí tienes el código html:

¿Por qué reportas este rompecabezas?

Someone on Reddit so kindly drew this caricature of me and my cat.
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Tabla de líderes

  1. asram96:44
  2. jasonchung6:50
  3. rhammond7:25
  4. emmandjay9:30
  5. justjioned10:08
  6. anitab10:40
  7. Berber10:46
  8. meb227411:41
  9. EDDARD11:47
  10. BeSe11:55


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Endearing drawing -- Fun to put together. Thanks.


I can see that both of you enjoy each other's company and have a great relationship.

Thank you for sharing and posting this caricature as a puzzle.

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