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Captain Ron

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¿Por qué reportas este rompecabezas?

This is one of 2 boats used to make the "Captain Ron" movie. I photographed it at Kemah, on the Texas Coast.
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Tabla de líderes

  1. Ribs0:15
  2. crambob0:19
  3. dalelawler0:21
  4. glenestele0:21
  5. Robbos0:22
  6. JUNKMAN0:22
  7. dukeycash0:23
  8. vialma0:23
  9. JennyG660:23
  10. dendro0:24


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Sue, Thinking of you today here at Jigidi, and hoping you are well and enjoying a Happy Birthday. ☀️


thanks for that info


Missing you hope everything is good
Come back soon


Interesting, thanks :))


yeah. I was passionate about scuba diving, about being weightless underwater. But we left our Caribbean sailboat life, after surgery precluded diving forever.


I love that you call yourself a 'Beached Mermaid'.

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