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Inky, the father, and his two sons, Laviini and Alvar, taking time to be together. It's a breezy afternoon and they thought to spend it on the couch.
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@AMomentInTime Thank you for your wishes. Mending, but impatient. Just did minor update of "blog" on profile page.


@Bugster The boys always appreciate your love for their photos. 🤗


@beyondwords Hope this finds you mending well. Keep plugging away! Yes, they're still such a special family. 🥰


@Rainrider1214 This family certainly believes in togetherness. They exhibit such love for each other. Think a lot had to do with their parents, Inky and Mama Sita.


Yes, a lovely family shot of the boys. 💕


Nice family photo.


babys always find happiness in togetherness.


@Juba1010 They stayed together for a couple hours then it was mealtime! 😊


Purrfect puddy pile. TFS :-)

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

26 abril 2019 - 11 septiembre 2016
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