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Skutevik, Bergen, Norway

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In Today's Daily Jigsaw Puzzle, we visit Skutevik. Skutevik is a beautiful neighborhood in Bergen, Norway, located along the city's historic harbor and closely tied to its maritime past.

The name Skutevik likely originates from the Old Norse words skúta (small boat) and vík (bay or inlet), reflecting its early use as a sheltered harbor for fishing and seafaring.

The area's landscape features rocky outcrops shaped by glacial activity. It is underpinned by ancient gneiss and granite bedrock, characteristic of western Norway. These natural features made Skutevik an ideal location for maritime activities, providing natural protection and access to the sea.

Bergen, founded in 1070 by King Olav Kyrre, became a vital trading hub during the Middle Ages, particularly as part of the Hanseatic League. Skutevik, situated near the harbor, likely supported Bergen's development through shipbuilding, repairs, and storage facilities. Its close connection to fishing and maritime trades further solidified its role in the city's economy.

Today, Skutevik is integrated into Bergen's urban fabric, but it retains elements of its historical character, including its narrow streets and proximity to the harbor ♥
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Tabla de líderes

  1. mvt2:59
  2. fluffbucket3:22
  3. jankowiak713:31
  4. pinkycito3:42
  5. Archaeon3:42
  6. wujaszekdolf3:43
  7. JG5463:43
  8. martinpw3:43
  9. lorispuzzles4:04
  10. Alpinab124:05


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@ren13 @Hdarlene @phantom181 @plumbuns Thank you for solving! ❤️🤭


Amazing use of space! Look at all that rock! Awesome.


Thanks for the colorful puzzle. The mountains, road and houses shows how big Skutevik really is.

Very pretty, bet it's awesome in winter as well...

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