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A great fun(d)raiser

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20 piezas
86 resoluciones
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¿Por qué reportas este rompecabezas?

Looks like a fun outing!
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Tabla de líderes

  1. like921150:22
  2. Robbos0:25
  3. eskaypark470:26
  4. Sisell0:27
  5. riveroad0:27
  6. wjl10150:28
  7. SteveA0:32
  8. puzzeljac0:34
  9. familyservicel0:38
  10. cevas0:38


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Yes friends, let's all get together and tour Europe for a good cause!


Wow fun, lets do it ☺☺☺


Thanks Cathy, I wish I could have joined them.


They seem to be having a great time!! Thanks Sabina!

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