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Tabla de líderes

  1. DarcyB2:23
  2. marunka2772:55
  3. shadowfax3:01
  4. dickiedodo3:01
  5. radu3:27
  6. farmor13:32
  7. Ianto3:36
  8. dartman19653:45
  9. ckck3:49
  10. sunlitranch3:54


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And no on said anything.


de oprit is aan de verkeerde kant!

Perhaps nothing. Maybe there's another upgrade ramp to the apparent garage space on a side of the house that's not visible in this photo.


it's lonely


You just wonder what people are thinking sometimes.


It's a very ugly house anyway...

Garage access blocked from driveway by garden. Cant drive in.


Yep, it's the garage.


Where's the driveway??

Right first go. Wonder how they missed that?

It looks to me that the garage is on the right blocked by a retaining wall and the driveway is on the left.

Can you find the flaw? It's so obvious its easy to overlook it. Happy Hunting

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