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illustrated by Yongsub Noh

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A flying steampunk city
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Tabla de líderes

  1. Exilef5:54
  2. jenniferonlamb7:11
  3. mbjennings10:49
  4. Jonsusan17:44
  5. Barbzark220:06
  6. scotttrudyhess20:16


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Wow again!
The things we learn on jigidi!

It's a pity that reality and real-life responsibilities keep crowding in on all the things we'd RATHER be exploring. I'm going to need a second life (and a third) to fit them all in!



best way to describe second life is to say you remember yahoo chat rooms? SL is those chat rooms......on steroids....:) it was the very first virtual reality user created online game out there....they are getting ready to celebrate 16 or 17 years this summer...its free to join and there is tons of things you can out for the vampires...:D



Thanks for this explanation.
I think many of us would welcome the opportunity to return to a steam powered world.
At their peak, steam engines were remarkably efficient, reliable and clean. They also evoke powerful positive nostalgic emotions.

But a steam-powered flying city? WOW!

Have you seen Miyazaki's brilliant animated films "Laputa, Castle in the Sky" or
"Howl's Moving Castle"? I think you would enjoy them both.

Forgive my ignorance but what is "Second Life"? Is it an online RPG, or something similar but different, or what? Thanks,




There are many versions of steampunk..i prefer the one of a Post-apocalyptic steampunk that is set in a world where some cataclysm has precipitated the fall of civilization and steam power is once again ascendant......

Much of what i create or enjoy in Second Life is of this genre....

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