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I think HDfat is very good at this, and he is human and human at solving he is not using anything to solve it for him he is just very good and has a big brain and fast hands on the mouse which is what must be used to solve the puzzle if you want a good time, that is just a tip from this expert who is also very good at puzzle solving and even more puzzle making i am the best puzzle maker i have ever met at least and i have not heard of anyone better ofc it is not a competition so its not that important but i pride myself on my puzzle solving skilsl and making skills
Gordon, it's up to you to believe my time or not, but i think it's rude to asume i don't also enjoy doing puzzles. I just enjoy doing them a bit faster ;)
Hdfat, you can tell by my time, that I do the puzzles for enjoyment. You have obviously found a system that does them for you, just to see your name on the leader board. 3 seconds to do a 9 piece puzzle by yourself .... does anyone else believe that time?
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