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  1. TauCeti7:14
  2. Wendy_137:55
  3. loleec11:05
  4. monicaarmintrout11:28
  5. rockbit11:49
  6. pelang12:50
  7. JG54613:08
  8. tennis114:18
  9. spiderchck14:18
  10. bluebird55514:41


Bitte melden Sie sich an, um zu kommentieren. Du hast noch kein Profil? Jetzt anmelden! Der Beitritt ist absolut kostenlos und es sind keine persönlichen Daten erforderlich.

jasonyeo, another puzzle raised the same question. inquiring minds want to know


Hi Dave, I am very impressed that you have solved many complex puzzles in record times ! I couldn't break my barrier of 2.5 hours for complex puzzles. Would you be kind to share your methods of solving complex one?


Wonderful colors and pattern. Thank you


I liked your BATIK KOI even more!

I think she enjoyed the batik martini's too much. ;)


Then stop buying me drinks.

Wendy, if you didn't drink so much you wouldn't keep dropping pieces on the floor.


I would like a refund. If you look closely at the puzzle, counting from the left at the top, the 8th piece is missing. On the right hand side, counting down, the fourth piece is missing. On the bottom row, one is gone, and on the left hand edge, two pieces were stolen. Why would you want to post a defective puzzle?

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  • Bist du ein Wettkämpfer oder eher ein meditativer Rätsellöser?

    Du kannst einstellen, ob der Timer angezeigt werden soll oder nicht, wenn du deine Puzzles löst. Wie das geht, erfährst du in unserer Rätselspieler-Anleitung.
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