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Hi davedave, I'm awed by your ability to complete puzzles. I'm wondering if I am now headed to be awed by your ability to create them also. I wish we could have a convention so I could meet you. Thanks
Great Guru, you did one of my puzzles in 18 minutes that took me, the creator, 1:47 ! You must teach me! Come to https://www.jigidi.com/jigsaw-puzzle/OFFIZMPQ/My-Private-Chat-Room please!
(The rest of you might like one of my puzzles at https://www.jigidi.com/user/OwenKL/9/ -- if you're seeing this a few weeks from now, that page number will be higher, but it's the earliest or next-to-earliest page.)
It's a bit too late for sweet talk. Magnus is sitting at his desk trying to figure out the length of your suspension. I suggested that you serve a week for each defective puzzle piece.
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