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In The Provinces

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The artwork in Today's Daily Jigsaw Puzzle is titled "In The Provinces" (1920) and the artist is Boris Kustodiev ♥

Boris Kustodiev (1878–1927) was a prominent Russian painter and stage designer known for his vibrant depictions of Russian life and traditions. Born in Astrakhan, his provincial upbringing shaped his nostalgic and romanticized portrayals of pre-revolutionary Russia.

He studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg under the renowned artist Ilya Repin, who recognized his talent and invited him to collaborate on significant projects. Kustodiev’s works, such as "The Merchant’s Wife at Tea" and "Maslenitsa", celebrate Russian festivals, merchants, and cultural traditions with vivid colors and decorative style.

Despite battling tuberculosis and later paralysis, he continued creating art, often painting from a wheelchair.

You can find more information on Boris Kustodiev here
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thank you. 1-12-25


This one is so different than The Merchant's Wife at Tea.


thanks for the puzzle

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