---In the section on our home page it has : Attribution (give credit to someone), unless there is an Artist's name I'm claiming the 'Fair Use Allowance of section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976' or 'Public Domain' so I don't have to keep typing it in.---*All of the Puzzles I 'create' & 'Post' are from what I Google. I do not have any artistic talent what so ever.
*I also post puzzles under my alter ego ~JamaLlama~
* Life is all about ~ JESUS~FAMILY~FRIENDS~
*I dislike CATS very much!!!!!, gnomes, Primates: monkey species of any kind, including apes, baboons, chimpanzees etc. ~ I don't like horses as a rule either or birds (depends on the puzzle)
*My Favorites are: BLUE~(esp Sapphire, Royal, Electric, Cobalt & Deep Blue Hues )~CARNATIONS
*Jesus is My Defender & My Lawyer & My Best Friend & My Savior (4 all the THINGS I Say, Do & Think)...I Thank-Him Always 4 taking me in2 His Kingdom :) & He is changing me always, so be patient w/me ")
*I deal w/RA, OA, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Chronic Migratory Neuropathy, ADHD, some weird form of Dyslexia, Fatigue, Tears in my ankles & lower back, PTSD, Sjogren's Eye Disease & other issues (TMI).
*One Doctor told me that my body is a 'Train Wreck', My 'Arthur' Doctor told me that I am an 'Enigma'. As 4 Me...I am a Child of the King & I will be liberated from all of this mess 1 day...The corruptible will put on the incorruptible & I will see God my Father in due time :) WooHoo Praise the Lord in spite of it all anyway, yep yep yep :)
*And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4 I BELIEVE & I STAND 4 JESUS !!!
*The Joy of the Lord IS My Strength!!!
*Laughter is like unto a medicine!!!
*Lord, Create in me a Clean Heart & Renew a Right Spirit within me!!!
*I Stand for the Flag & I kneel @ the Cross!!!!!!!
Jeg tilmeldte mig Jigidi den 23 januar 2017 og blev sidst set den 19 februar 2025. Jeg har løst 39501 puslespil (13.4 dagligt) og sat 1241184 brikker sammen (421 dagligt).