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Hello. My name is Richard and I live about 25 miles (40km) north of Atlanta, GA, USA.
I am 73, retired, divorced with a wonderful ex-wife, daughter and grand-daughter. ex- military (14 years) U.S.Navy, VietNam Veteran. Stationed in Rota, Spain for 6 of 12 years on active duty (2 years Reserve Duty). While in Spain I learned that the rest of the world did not have my American mentality/philosophy. My love for Spain (language, customs, food and drink - especially Sherry) taught me to open my eyes and see the other the world as it is. I have been lucky (sometimes) to have traveled the world and loved meeting and talking to people from the many different places, to learn about their country and way of life.

I joined jigidi for relaxation and because I have done the old style jigsaw puzzles from a very young age. This year 2021 I started reading the comments (which I never did before) on jigidi's puzzles plus the messengers bios that were most interesting, After making a few comments of my own I found a world of people who like to share conversation which is all I want so...... Thank-you all.

Pictures I post were taken by and have meaning to me, places I've been, things I have done or the fun I have had since entering this digital camera era. The camera is a Pentax Optio W80 waterproof camera that captured the moment in time I wanted. Hopefully you will find them entertaining.

Smiles, cheers and best wishes,

Jeg tilmeldte mig Jigidi den 22 marts 2018 og blev sidst set den 18 februar 2025. Jeg har løst 6957 puslespil (2.8 dagligt) og sat 620933 brikker sammen (245.8 dagligt).

Puslespil udgivet af denne bruger:

10 januar 2025 - 12 juli 2024
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