I live in paradise ( Bohemian Paradise). I have dual nationality (Italian and Czech) and so I chose the best of each!!! I have a small store with many kinds of beautiful things ( antiques, books, toys, handwork...) and I bought a 200-year old house which must be repaired.
I also teach Italian and translate. So I don´t have time to grow old.
The hardest thing is not to forget the past, but it´s harder to forget about the future you imagined ...
To see some of my puzzles you have to deactived the filter ( which I have actived in order not to offend some).
Associated active account: Ashanhu
Associated sealed accounts: Ophelie, TinMayLynn
Jeg tilmeldte mig Jigidi den 16 august 2017 og blev sidst set den 21 oktober 2024. Jeg har løst 8345 puslespil (3.2 dagligt) og sat 312464 brikker sammen (119.1 dagligt).