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My racket is mathematical typography. I worked for a professional society and publisher of mathematics for 56 years, before retiring in 2019. For most of that time I assisted mathematicians in solving problems preparing their computer files for publication. I've been a jigsaw puzzle addict since I was big enough to arrange the pieces instead of trying to eat them, and have a fine collection of the "traditional" variety. I love this site! And have introduced friends, with great pleasure for both them and me.

Jeg tilmeldte mig Jigidi den 3 april 2011 og blev sidst set den 11 februar 2025. Jeg har løst 27056 puslespil (5.3 dagligt) og sat 2509397 brikker sammen (495.7 dagligt).

Denne bruger har ikke udgivet nogen puslespil.

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