Løs, skab, del og tal om puslespil

At dyrke det fælles grundlag

Lige nu ser vi vores samfund bevæge sig og stå op for lighed og mod racisme. For nye politikker og for at øge bevidstheden om systemiske problemer. Ingen omvæltninger vedrørende rettigheder forbliver kun lokale i en globaliseret, teknologisk verden. Dette er en af de måder, hvorpå internettet hjælper menneskeheden med at tage spring fremad. Hjælp os med at samarbejde om at finde fælles fodslag.

1:15 imesta 1
Growing the common ground

Vi forenes om emner, der er vigtige for os alle. Genbesøge moralske spørgsmål, der (tilsyneladende) er afgjort oppefra og ned, men ikke udført nedefra og op, som lighed og lovlighed for alle.

Takket være vores nyfundne grad af forbundethed kan vi i stor skala hjælpe med at uddanne hinanden og finde nuancer i ellers kvalt retorik. Og dermed holde samtalen i gang i retning af reel dialog og etablering af fælles fodslag.

Lovlighed for alle. Lighed.


Så når reel dialog er nødvendig for at komme videre med aktuelle og vigtige spørgsmål, hvorfor bliver puslespil, der afspejler bevægelsen, så fanget af vores retningslinjer på Jigidi - når vi også siger, at vi ønsker at hjælpe med at dyrke det fælles grundlag på verdensplan?

Fordi dialog sjældent forekommer om varme emner på online sociale platforme. Tribalisme gør, som også på Jigidi før vi lavede en ændring i 2018. Og online tribalisme er ikke med til at understøtte samarbejde eller empati.

Men forbindelsen mellem grupper gør det. At lytte til historier om hinandens liv med vores parader nede.

Så, hvordan når vi det punkt? Og hvad vil det koste fællesskabet?

På vej mod forståelse og samarbejde

Fordi det er ret krævende at gøre det nødvendige tankearbejde for at finde fælles fodslag om splittende emner (og sjældent en sindstilstand, man forventer at have brug for, når man går ind på en puslespilside), udelukker vi sådanne emner på Jigidi.

Vores retningslinjer er designet til at være tilgængelige for mennesker af alle (moralske) trosretninger, inklusive dem uden tro - og til at få os til at se hinanden som mennesker. Ikke meninger, objekter eller stereotyper (i det omfang det overhovedet er muligt). På den måde skabes et trygt rum, hvor vi kan mødes som mennesker.

Og med tiden, med paraderne nede.

Det betyder ikke, at vi foreslår, at man kan leve sit liv på denne indrammede måde.

Men vi kan bruge vores Jigidi-tid på denne måde og udforske nogle af fordelene ved at være forbundet:

  • Interaktion med mennesker fra hele verden, som vi måske ville have valgt ikke at interagere med, hvis vi først skulle præsentere os selv med vores politiske synspunkter eller andre moralske overbevisninger.
  • Længere nede ad vejen finder vi måske ud af, at en medpusler, som vi er kommet i kontakt med, f.eks. har en anden politisk eller religiøs holdning end os. Og vi kan finde ud af, at vores hjerte bestemmer, at det ikke har nogen betydning for vores forbindelse - og at vi i givet fald aktivt vælger at bygge videre på det, der forbinder os.

Fordi vi er mennesker - ikke meninger

Vi er ikke omvandrende, tobenede meninger. Vi er mennesker med tusindvis af historier og verdener i os og en kreativitet og intelligens, der har gjort os i stand til at løbe mange, mange kilometer hurtigere end nogen anden art på planeten.

Ved at omgå instinktet til at skabe ind- og udgrupper, der er adskilt af de store: politik, seksualitet og religion, kan vi fortsætte vores samtale om ting, der (også) er os. Og få en bedre forståelse for hinanden på tværs af mentale barrierer.

På den måde dyrker vi det fælles grundlag indefra.

Moral med en hage

Alt for ofte konstruerer vi løsninger, der bygger på, at vi er rationelle og tænker på den lange bane (husker du CEO'en?). Problemet med det er, at det for det meste ikke er den rationelle del af vores hjerne, der styrer skibet. Det er de dele, der er meget mere drevet af instinkt, mavefornemmelser - lektioner, som forfædrene har lært, og som vi har taget til os som moralske lektioner, som vi intuitivt styrer efter.

Disse moralske lektioner vil få os til at nedtone vores egne ønsker og behov for at tilgodese vores indgruppes behov (det er smart, når din klan er den, der har din ryg på sletterne). Men de gør meget lidt for at hjælpe samarbejdet mellem grupper (ikke smart i en globaliseret verden, hvor samarbejde er nødvendigt for den kollektive velfærd).

Så vi er nødt til at øve os i at tilsidesætte instinktet for at øge afstanden mellem os. Det giver ikke mening; vi er ikke den slags verden længere.

Arkitekturer af tilfældigheder

Vi vil alle blive meget bedre til det her, simpelthen fordi vi giver det endnu mere opmærksomhed. Det er en situation med udbud og efterspørgsel. For at gavne den kollektive menneskelige velfærd over hele kloden er der stigende efterspørgsel på samarbejde mellem grupper. 

I sin vidunderlige bog 'Hivemind' skriver psykolog, ph.d. og specialist i følelsesregulering Sarah Rose Cavanagh:

I takt med at vi i stigende grad opdeler os i ideologiske, geografiske og økonomiske siloer, mister vi muligheden for at vokse og forandre os, for at blive skubbet ud af vores snævre tankegang.

Hun forfølger spørgsmålet om, hvordan vi kan få forskellige sociale miljøer til at fungere for os ved at gøre god brug af de mulige forbindelser (også online), og foreslår blandt andet, at vi:Byg og støt Serendipity-arkitekturer. Det vil sige sociale miljøer, hvor folk fra alle slags grupper mødes på tværs af forskellige ideologier og andre grupperinger.

Med vores retningslinjer forsøger vi at skabe et sted, hvor vi alle - med paraderne nede - kan øve os på:

  • At være nysgerrig på vores modparts kerneværdier og være klar over vores egne.
  • At anerkende og bygge videre på allerede afklarede moralske spørgsmål.
  • Anerkende vores modparters rettigheder og forstå vores egne stereotyper og fordomme.
  • Anerkend, at ingen af os ved alt, og øv dig i at skifte perspektiv.
  • At indrømme egne fejltrin, når man søger fælles grund (vi er reaktivt anlagte), og tage hensyn til både vores egen og vores modparts aktuelle mentale tilstand og omstændigheder.

Slutnote: Primære værdier har altid en pris

Vi er en puslespilside, der besøges af 40.000 mennesker fra hele verden hver dag. Der er ingen tvivl om, at dette øger vores ansvar, som går ud over blot at udvikle individet gennem de funktionaliter, vores hjemmeside tilbyder.

Vi må reflektere over menneskelig social adfærd i online miljøer, og hvordan vi som en platform med et globalt publikum kan være med til at understøtte samarbejde og empati.

Vi vælger at være en værdidrevet platform, og det betyder, at vi står for noget, og det må nødvendigvis ske på bekostning af andre værdier. For dig og os er prisen, at ikke alt indhold er tilladt på Jigidi. Livet på Jigidi er ikke livet, som det er - det er et bevidst og strategisk valg.

Og det er en særlig høj pris for de sager og bevægelser, vi helhjertet støtter.

Men vi tror på gevinsten ved denne rammesætning: Vi er som mennesker mere tilbøjelige til at lytte og dele vores personlige historier, læring og refleksioner, når vi har paraderne nede. Og dermed kan vi opbygge den nødvendige empati og forståelse for problemløsning mellem grupper også uden for Jigidi.

På denne måde udvider vi fællesskabet indefra.

Mange kærlige hilsner,



log ind for at kommentere. Har du ikke en profil? Deltag nu! Det er helt gratis at være med, og der kræves ingen personlige oplysninger.


I will try to hold comments to a minimum.


Puzzle on Honey bunny


Tímhle posouvání kvůli reklamě dole, se nedá čas udělat líp, pokud to byl záměr jigidi tak se Vám to opravdu povedlo a asi budu první kdo to přestane skládat bolí mě hrozně oči


Thank you for the updates. Wanda


We the users DO NOT come here to hear politics, religion or money talks !
Let's forget those hate-spreading ideas.


How about allowing us to block certain users like I've been asking for for years?


Your wordy post about community and common ground is pretty lame.

Please stop banning automatic solving Tools.

We Geocacher are needing them….


Jigidi don't do this, please, please, pretty please.
I'd rather focus on positive things than argue with negativity. Let's promote puzzles, love, peace and respect. ❤️ ⌣ ❤️
caseykay, you said it beautifully.

Lets just have PUZZLES and forget the commentaries.


Please stop with the political and social commentary. Your own policy says that all puzzles must not have anything that could be controversial. Which I support. Yet, you take sides on social issues and post it when it has nothing to do with anything related to jigsaw puzzles.


Thank you for this wonderful site! It calms me and keeps me busy at the same time... with no guilt... not playing games, not wasting time .... but improving my mind for an hour most days.

Thank you Jigidi for my great escape of the day. Otherwise , some days would be very depressing to see the way the world is turning now! I enjoy doing all the great puzzles from some very talented and nice people from all over. Keep them coming as we could be in for a long haul with all the problems currently going on.


I was born in the 50's and came of age in the 70's. It has been my first-hand observation that the ability of human beings to communicate with each other began to erode the moment the word "dialogue" came into use for anything other than scriptwriting. I remember a time it was actually used as a verb.


To be honest: I had to read the above text at least twice. It is in beautiful English, but has so many difficult words and complicated phrases in it, that I got lost.....
but I do - more or less - understand what is meant. Perhaps that is enough!


I agree with Tinker (one of the first comments).




In the spirit of understanding and appreciating our neighbors on this earth l
want to recommend a series posted by our Canadian Jigidi friend @dhi

@Woodowly; Jayne, thank for your kind words and for your prayers. I am usually awake most of the night. It is a rare night that I sleep a full 8 hours. But this is again due to health issues caused from the MS and not by choice. But your kind words came at just the right time as today has been more difficult than normal. Have a good night/day and a fantastic week. God bless!!!


Wow! Unexpected and terrific articulation of a new way. Bravo.


Hi Jeri, @jbp, I'm sorry you have such major health issues to deal with that make coping with life when it's so called normal difficult but even more so at the moment when there is so much going on in the world. I know how challenging severe MS is, having had several friends who suffer from it.

I think Jigidi is a real haven for people like yourself whose lives are seriously compromised by chronic diseases. I have met online a number of people for whom Jigidi is their only major social outlet and solving puzzles is one of the few hobbies they can enjoy.

I will pray that God will comfort and ease you each day and, probably more importantly, each night. As an insominiac i am frequently online at two or three in the morning along with others. Bless you. Jayne

Woodowly; I am glad you said what you said what you said because this is what I was trying to say but have trouble putting my words and thoughts together so it all makes sense to those whom I am trying to talk with. I have Primary Progressive MS (and am in the late stages of the disease) plus several other chronic autoimmune diseases that cause me to have this problem plus a slight birth defect in my brain due to lack of oxygen prior to my birth. I have been able to manage fairly well but as I get older, am in early 70's, it have become more of a problem for me. So, please, everyone I apologize for anything that I may say that sounds totally off the wall or doesn't make any sense to any or all of you. If this does happen please before you get all upset with me I would ask that you would ask me to clarify what I just said. By doing this I hope to help everyone to enjoy there time here. Also, due to the health
issues it is very difficult for me to understand what people are trying to tell me. I hope this explanation will help everyone to understand why I sometimes get defensive over what is said to me. Let's all try to do our best to enjoy this site and enjoy each other and learn from one another. There may not be a lot of peace out in the world but lets try to make this small corner of the world a place of peace and enjoyment as we share the same activity. Thank you all and may we all have a wonderful night's sleep or enjoy the day you are beginning or are already into. Jeri


Thank you for addressing the social issues going on currently




@Woodowly Thanks!


A very thoughtful and thought provoking article. This is a very stressful and difficult time around the world for everyone. Our stress points differ so much, as do our opinions, values, attitudes and stereotypes. I teach communication and one of the core aspects is that of our frame of reference which is constructed by our culture, family, upbringing, age (generation) and experience. Even with siblings we find differences between our experiences. As the eldest child my experience is different from that of the second, third, fourth and fifth child in the family. This can easily lead to arguments and misunderstandings, along with hurt feelings and unhappyness.

Another problem with communication is context and lack thereof. When communicating online, using only the written word, there is very little context such as non-visual cues, tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions. This means that the emotions are not conveyed clearly and it is very easy to misunderstand what someone else has written. They may have meant it as a joke or a wryly ironic comment but it is read as something serious or offensive. Emoticons can help to ensure that the reader understands how it was meant but they are not infallible. There are also big cultural differences when it comes to humour. George Bernard Shaw said “England and America are two countries separated by the same language.”

Jigidi has widened my circle of friends and acquaintances. It has enabled me to reach out to people like @jbu and be reached in turn. The comments on my puzzles often cheer me up or make me feel better on a bad day. I have been able to have interesting conversations and meet some fascinating people online. We have been able to share and compare life stories and experiences. I've learned so much from other puzzlers and from the process of making and sharing puzzles.

Cut yourself and others some slack. Consider that they didn't mean to upset you or make you feel angry or demeaned or however you feel. I participate in quite a number of online groups and Jigidi is by far the best and most positive of all those groups. Trolling and nastiness is really exceptional. People don't swear and rant and generally are very civil even if they do disagree with you.

Jigidi team, thanks for this safe space, thanks for all you do to keep it that way, thanks for explaining why you do things the way you do. In the language of my family - "a gold Noddy badge for each of you" (*-*) I love Jigidi and my Jigidi friends. Long may you keep going. Jayne


@Blubonnet, What does my Love & Belief in Jesus have to do w/me Loving Mermaids or anything else? What do you know about God's Word to make such a statement? Why are you judging me after reading what Jigidi wrote?


@owls65 When you click "Solve," the page containing the puzzle pieces will have a plus symbol, a minus symbol, a pause symbol, and a square with two arrows in it at the top right. Clicking the box with the arrows will give you the whole page to work on (no ads). Then click the box again to leave full-screen mode.

You can eliminate ads altogether by becoming a Jigidi Plus member:



@sillychick I am just another Jigidi member, not someone in authority. I did not delete any of your puzzles, although I have noticed that some of your choices seem inconsistent with being all about Jesus.

The filter does work—that is why I assumed you had not read the instructions. If you are seeing offensive things, use the Report button. If you want to give Jigidi admin a piece of your mind, use the Support form.


@jbu I'm very sorry to have upset you further. I know how fortunate I am to be staying at home with a husband and a dog and not isolated in a nursing home. It must be awful. I am truly sorry, and I hope you can continue to draw some comfort from your friendships here on Jigidi.

I am not an admin at Jigidi, I'm just an old hand, and I thought since Jigidi admin had not responded to your concerns that I could be helpful. I don't understand why you are seeing nudity if you have your filter enabled—that should not be the case. If you have the strength for it, I suggest you use the support form to reach out to Jigidi admin about your concerns.


@Bluebonnet, I ALREADY HAD DONE WHAT YOU SAID, so why do you assume that I needed instructions? The filter does not work. So you delete the heavy bosom mermaids that are covered in a bikini that I post, yet you keep Hilda around when she is covered the same way DOUBLE STANDARD here. I call it discrimination just b/c someone is bigger busted than someone else & NO the nudity is not less but more in the past couple of years. I address it when it comes up & even so, Children do not always have their filter on b/c they are curious. You have a responsibility to remove that curiosity, by removing & sending the sender a notice not to do it b/c a lot of people do not read the rules.

@Bluebonnet; If I misunderstood what you were trying to day then I am sorry. But in the past 5 weeks I have lost not only my Mother but also a good friend and roommate here at the nursing home where I live. I know many of you are able to go out and be about in restricted ways - what with social distancing and lockdown and all but you haven't, thankfully has to be in an assisted living - residential care facility or a nursing home in which are you in lockdown so you can't go out but on top of that no one is allowed in to see you and you aren't even allowed to have window visits with family and friends. If they want to bring you something they have to mail it in and then you have to wait 48 - 72 hours before they even will bring it to your room and give it to you. This last thing has eased a little and they have put a bin in the yard for family and friends to drop off things. But it still takes 48 - 72 hrs before you get it. I understand they are protecting us - and I appreciate all that's been done as so far we have been virus free. But it all messes up your emotions as one tries to deal with it all. So. again, if I misread your intentions I do apologize. Jeri

To the folks at jigidi; You had a post awhile ago in which you mentioned that by only being able to respond in writing it is hard to know how what is being said is being said in a manner that doesn't cause others to get upset and respond in a negative way. Twice this week this has happened to me and I think that we all need to be reminded of this. The first time it happened someone stepped in to explain what they person actually meant and I am thankful that she did. This action saved a lot of hard feelings and eased up the situation. As you mentioned we are from all different walks of life because we are from all over the world and each country sees things differently. Please, I am starting to feel that I need to spend less time here and find somewhere else to do my puzzling and only come back once in awhile. This will be upsetting for me as I have come to see this site as "family" and yes, families have their disagreements and if it is a good family they will make up, apologize and continue on and hopefully become better friends as well as family and all will be at peace once again. May we all please try to understand that what we say may come not sound right in your ears but there was no harm or wrong intended. Thank you. Jeri

@Bluebonnet; I have read all of what you suggest and thank you for mentioning them but I feel your assuming too much and don't you think it would have been better to have asked if this has been done. I have been enjoying this site for many years and am tires of people assuming things instead of asking the person involved about whether they had done whatever it is first instead of saying things that make that person look like someone who knows nothing about the topic being discussed. I wish you a pleasant evening or day - depending on where you live and hope you will be safe from the COVID-19 virus. Jeri


@sillychick @jbu For the past 2 years, more or less, nude and suggestive photographs have been banned on Jigidi. Now, the only nudity you should be seeing is on some art puzzles. If those bother you or you want to keep your children from seeing them, do this on each of your Jigidi accounts:

Click on your username at the far right of the black strip at the top of any page. A green strip will appear below the black one. On that green strip, click on "My Profile." On your profile page, go to "Settings." The first setting is "Filter content O Enable this if you do not want to see puzzles that may be offensive." Click on the circle in the middle to enable your filter. Be sure to click "Save changes" at the end of the Settings section. Voilà! You will no longer see potentially offensive puzzles. (NOTE: Political and religious puzzles are filtered as well; you won't see those either.)

Guidelines: https://www.jigidi.com/guidelines.php


Thank you for this. It is said that we are only different from one another by six degrees of separation. I enjoy this platform, not only because I find solving the puzzles relaxing and a form of emotional therapy, but also because I enjoy communicating with other puzzlers, and the philosophy of this site.

Even though we may not always agree with one another, on many issues, I believe we can respect our basic humanity.

Someone asked a question the other day that I found deeply profound, and it was this:

"When was the last time you learned something from someone you didn't like?'

We don't have to always agree, and we can disagree without being disagreeable, by fending off fear and ignorance, and by at least being open to other points of view, we may indeed learn a great deal, and perhaps become all the better as a result.



I love doing Jigidi puzzles but the one change i don't like is the advertisments in the bottom of the screen . Its hard to do a puzzle on the computer especially the large ones which i prefer when part of your screen is taken up with an AD

@sillychuck; I definitely agree with you that the amount of nudity has been increasing and we do have to be careful as this is a family puzzle site so we adults need to think of who all will be looking at it. Having things like that on this site is totally inappropriate and disturbing to the point I have even thought about cutting back on the time I spend here. For me that is something totally not good because this site keeps me from going crazy having to be bedridden and since 3/2 have been in lockdown so we haven' had visitors since then. But because of the guidelines that have been set for all of us to respect each other and to be using a site that is free from the stress of disagreements and ridicule and disharmony so I am not able to respond to your first comment but accept that that is your opinion and it is quite alright for some of the rest of us not to agree but this way we can stay as friends and "puzzle family". I wish you a great evening and the best of health. Please stay safe. Jeri


I agree w/all of the comments below (Buddha & Jesus or who ever you worship are not religions, they are Historical figures, people make them into religion) I whole heartily agree w/ @jbu, Jigidi you have kind of set up a double standard here in your comment. I really love this site b/c @ least you do have guide lines & though I may not all agree on those guidelines I do respect them. Just get rid of the Nudity (genitals & women's nipples actually showing). I have on my Follow page a 13 year old and a 10 year old ,they do not need to see that stuff HERE on Jigidi, would you not agree? Thank-you for creating a gr8 place esp for us disabled folks :)

Thank you for this puzzle site - it is the best one I've come across on the internet. There are many wonderful folks that post puzzles that you won't find anywhere else online. For this I am truly grateful as being bedridden you all help me pass away many hours. Thank you. You ask that we stay away from political and religious discussions but this would be no problem in an ideal world - which unfortunately we aren't in - but people will still bring up these topics and if I have strong enough feelings opposing what was said it is very hard to just ignore it. But if I post something that someone may take issue with I always state before I give my opinion or reaction that what I am about to say is only my opinion and I am not stating it to cause a deep discussion or any dissension on this website. What I have to say is not to cause any bad feelings or name calling or get someone so upset that they start bullying someone. Yes, we need to be careful about what and how we say what we say but we also need to realize that someone's opinion is just that THEIR opinion and it doesn't mean that it is better or worse than yours but it is just the way that one person thinks about that particular topic. So, again, thank you for a wonderful puzzling site and I hope it continues for many more years and we all learn to get along as best as we can considering we are a puzzling family that is scattered all over the world. Jeri


ALL lives matter, is the only truth. The other two .....Black lives matter and White lives matter, are created to divide and conquer and their message is racism.
But this is for me not a place to discuss that matter. I go here to have a pause and relax from the matrix, so please don´t destroy my calming haven.
I appreciate all nice and beautyful puzzles. Thank you.


With all the chaos and cruelty, we need an oasis. I think this place is one of them, at least it is for me. I come here to escape from the awful reality we are faced with these days. And just let my mind 'veg out'. It helps. And appreciate that political discussion is discouraged and the reasons why. There are other forums for that. Let this be a place of refuge for an hour or so each day.
Thanks for all the wonderful puzzles which help to keep me nearly sane.


Like Heidi, I too am a little confused by this.


I am a little confused by this attitude. Jigidi puts up puzzles about refugees in their name, which takes a side on human rights issues. Yet we cannot speak about equal rights for all. Many people put up puzzles promoting their religious beliefs, which I strongly disagree with (but hold my tongue), yet you say we should not express political or religious opinions. I am not happy with rules that don't apply to all equally. That is what these worldwide protests are about.

This is absolutely wonderful and wise. I feel like Jigidi is a type of kindred spirit. That may sound weird, but I am also very aware that Jigidi exists through real people and those are the "spirits" that create the spirit of this site.... and I'm going to stop now before I seem even more weird. Thank you Jigidi People for the connection you offer here.

Did we get the translation wrong? Give us feedback