My name is Marian Zeller. Conrad and I own Hillside Farm in Vinsulla. Just a small hobby farm outside Kamloops, BC.
Find/Like us on Facebook at Hillside Farm in Vinsulla. Lots of photos there.
We enjoy going for quad rides in the woods around our area. I take the photos he does the driving,its a win win.If I am not booting around the countryside, I am in my kitchen creating yummy things and making Hubs fat.
Since 2011 xmas I have had to wear a chemical gas paper mask to help with my allergies but my profile picture shows how I have to deal with the world since October 2013.I have a severe allergy to scents/chemicals and especially perfumes. They cause me to have instant migraines.
I have finally been diagnosed with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. My niece also has it. I have been suffering with it since 2000. Doctors thought I was a drug seeker for years. I stopped going to the hospital and I am doing old home remedies and controlled diet.
I also deeply appreciate all you lovely peoples comments.This is the best place for positive reinforcement. If any of you would like me to make puzzles with more pieces from my photos let me know.
I am writing a cookbook now, called Hillside farm in Vinsulla’s Family Favourites.
K Jigidi jsem se připojil 2 května 2011 a naposledy jsem byl viděn 4 května 2024. Vyřešil jsem 3822 puzzle (0.8 denně) a složil 347785 dílky (73.2 denně).