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I am an Australian who has lived in New Zealand since 1965 as I married a New Zealander. I love living here, it is a wonderful country. I have retired from work and live with my husband in Hamilton, NZ. We have 3 daughters, 2 grand-daughters and 3 grand-sons. I love cats, jigidi puzzles, crossword puzzles, reading, bagpipes, trains and gardening, and we belong to 3 travel clubs.

K Jigidi jsem se připojil 4 ledna 2014 a naposledy jsem byl viděn 2 prosince 2024. Vyřešil jsem 67890 puzzle (17 denně) a složil 5036383 dílky (1263.9 denně).

Tento uživatel nezveřejnil žádné hádanky.

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