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My name is Joanne. I'm really crash but it's too common a user name so I "borrowed/stole" my husband's moniker. I've always been clumsy but have learned to laugh about it. I describe myself as having a thrill-seeking brain but rocking chair body. My ski club nicknamed me "crash" for the obvious reasons.

I have always enjoyed doing jigsaw puzzles. Many years ago my Siamese cat would steal one piece, only one piece from every puzzle. I assume she felt ignored. I learned about this because one day she put something at my feet and rolled over. Upon examination I found a very chewed piece from the last puzzle. I can only assume she ate all the other missing single pieces from my puzzle inventory.

A jigsaw puzzle sent me on a quest for retirement property which my husband and I found in Maine. I'm definitely addicted to Jigidi. I looked a long time for puzzle software or an on-line puzzle site. Thank you creators of Jigidi.

K Jigidi jsem se připojil 9 listopadu 2012 a naposledy jsem byl viděn 9 února 2025. Vyřešil jsem 12125 puzzle (2.7 denně) a složil 4861283 dílky (1086.3 denně).

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18 září 2022 - 3 ledna 2021
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