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I am a Scottish born Welshwoman, married to a Colonial and I live in the Antipodes [New Zealand]. My husband and I have six chn and 22 Grandchn. We have moved and now live in town, I have discovered that cows and sheep don't make as much noise as our human neighbours:-)) We attend the local Pentecostal Elim Church.

I like good music, particularly opera some orchestral music as well. Welsh Male Voice Choirs are my absolute favourites however. Dire Straits, Buddy Holly, Ricky Nelson and music from the 50s all rate a mention too. I enjoy Jigidi very much

K Jigidi jsem se připojil 20 října 2010 a naposledy jsem byl viděn 30 dubna 2017. Vyřešil jsem 16208 puzzle (6.8 denně) a složil 1060262 dílky (444.8 denně).

Hádanky zveřejněné tímto uživatelem:

7 dubna 2015 - 2 prosince 2014
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