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I'm a retired electrician. My wife is a retired pharmacy tech. I am not a photographer, but I have taken quite a few pictures on our trips. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in Dec. 2022 so we are fighting that. I stay home with her now, so I have time for jigsaw puzzles. God bless you, puzzlers.

Update. My wife passed away on March 8th, 2023. I am going to take her ashes with me on at least one more road trip.

K Jigidi jsem se připojil 19 června 2018 a naposledy jsem byl viděn 15 ledna 2025. Vyřešil jsem 51550 puzzle (21.5 denně) a složil 2062000 dílky (858.4 denně).

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14 ledna 2025 - 19 června 2018
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