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Kickin' Cruella De Vil to the Curb!!!

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Quick update for anyone interested, after 2 rounds of chemo, CT scan shows more than a 50% REDUCTION of virtually all the affected tissue areas and marked reduction in the spots on my spine (that's a biggie!)!!! Lab results indicate my liver, kidneys, etc. are tolerating the chemo well...needless to say I am delighted, Onc Doc is very impressed! ;-)))

Just finished the 3rd chemo of 6 today, halfway through...MOST EXCELLENT work, my friends!!! THANK YOU ALL for your continuing prayers, outpouring of love & affection and concern for my health!!!
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I've been reading your comments, do you know we have a wonderful group, some differences, but loving non the less. Hugs.


Oh thank you God and thank you Libby for the update, was just doing a puzzle and saw that you were there. Please forgive me for not checking, you have indeed been in my prayers. The news is wonderful, Blessings from God. (no I'm not God) My heart is in flight with your good news. thank you, thank you, thank you.


Libby, sorry I haven't checked in as I should have but have kept up through others on how you were doing. Now I just wanted you to know that you have been in my prayers daily and I have been doing healing ceremonies for you once a week, along with a few others here on Jigidi. And white water rafting is right up my alley--have been quite a few times and love it!!! Keep on impressing that Onc doc and know we are all here for you.


Now you are 2/3 of the way through... Yea!!! My prayers continue for you, dear friend. You must make way in that raft for Jim the photographer! About 15 years ago he rafted the Zambeizi river in Africa......a class 5!! The Ist part of the trip was calm water, the rafts on one side of the river, hippos on the other...then rapid, rapid, rapids. He told me about after he got home, safe and sound.He loved it! It was the most difficult course he had ever done! BIG ((((HUGS)))), sweet, sweet, friend !!!


Just checking in to see how you're hanging in there.
Sending all of those good things thru the air!


Thanks Marilyn, good vibes to you, too! ;-)
There's always enough room in the raft for you, Tater! Love your priorities...and thank you! ;-)


Whitewater rafting?! Why not?! If the raft's too full I'll be happy as can be just bumping along behind in an inner tube - as long as you've got a good tow rope!!! I'm behind as can be on puzzles, but I'm entirely up to date on prayers. Keep on truckin', dear friend!


Piece of cake javasage, only two more to go. I can smell the water and feel the splashes, what fun you will have. Mean time I will continue to send positive vibrations your way.


Punkin, looking forward to a rafting trip with as many Jigidi folks as can come is some of the BEST medicine I can think of!!! ;-)))

Thank you Josie, I am so grateful for every prayer you say for me, I'll be back in full force before long! ;-)))


Just stopped in to say hello dear Libby, prayers are fresh daily, hopping for your continued improvement, you are missed and loved.


Continuing to send the positive strength to you! Hang in there with the chemo, and take good care of yourself. You need your strength for that white water rafting expedition!

My birthday was quite delightful, thank you. I shall pass along your words to my nephew.


Hope you had a delightful Birthday Punkin! Thanks for the good vibes, and any you care to send in the future...2 more chemos left to go. Please give my very best to your nephew...and to you as well! ;-)))


White water rafting? Did someone mention white water rafting? Can we get a large raft???
On a more personal note Libby, I am VERY behind in my puzzling....but continue to add you to my "send good vibes list". I'm sure you are past your chemo by now. Know you are in my thoughts and I am sending strength to you! Well done on the reduction of infected areas! You rock!!!
(My nephew just finished chemo, surgery and radiation for a sarcoma in his arm. He is another strong person who has kicked butt.)


Sorry...party barge is my limit! A glass of white, please! :)


Does that mean you want to go rafting with us Faye?!? ;-)))


Libby and Kathy...you're both crazy!!! LOL ;)))


My dear Libby, I know you well enough NOT to worry about Callie Lou. The love that you have so freely shown and given her speaks for itself. Simple as that. I know that you will ALWAYS look out for your beloved pets and always do what is needed for them. Callie Lou is where she is suppose to be with you as her guardian making sure that today and the tomorrows to come will always be a priority. And yes, I would LOVE to go whitewater river rafting with you!!!!!!


Dearest Kathy, I can't tell you how much your kind and sweet thoughts men to me!!! I was concerned (as you well know) about writing such news to you, but didn't want you worrying about Callie Lou for even 1 second! Know you've been on my prayer list for all your shoulder problems...we WILL go rafting together some day when we're both up to it! ;-)))))


Libby, where do I begin? Let's start from just a few minutes ago. I popped in for a few seconds to check on my puzzles and low and behold I see you at the top of one of my leaderboards!!!!! I immediately began backtracking and found out that you posted about Cruella the end of Feb. I went cold turkey on the computer at the end of Feb. due to shoulder issues and did not come back until right before Easter. And now I pop in for brief moments to upload new puzzles to be solved and am gone again. I have solved very few puzzles as of late and respond to comments left on my puzzles in brief fashion about once a week. There have been a couple of exceptions, but for the most part, I don't linger long because of the shoulder issues I mentioned. But working on resolving those issues. I won't bother you will all of the details as what you are going thru is far far worse!!!

I beg your forgiveness for my not staying in touch with you!!! Believe it or not, for some reason I simply did not know how to express myself over the news of your illness when you emailed me. Hard to explain!!! I kept the news tucked away as you requested, but know that you have been in my thoughts.

Then when I saw your name on the leaderboard, and I have no earthly idea as to what drew me to look at it as I seldom do that anyway but I am guessing a little angle might have had something to do with it. Imagine that :-)))))))

Anyway, seeing you out and about did something special for me and then finding the good news that you posted above, well that was the icing on the cake. I guess what I am saying is that you touch the lives of the people you come in contact with. Simple as that. You, my dear, are a BLESSING to those who know you!!!!!! Revel in that thought and may it bring you comfort and help you feel better when you are down.

Also know that the people whose lives you have touched are now reaching out to touch you with their prayers, hugs, love....wishing you the very best!!!!

Well I will close with that for now. May you find comfort, healing rest, stamina.... and continue on the healing path!!!!!!

My love, Kathy :-))))))))


The fatigue comes and goes, snooker...hmmm...toe licks...Chrissie...hmmmmm...;-)))

Are you still quite tired? Just thinking about you and decided to say Hello. Bandit sends toe licks. (Ask Chrissie about that.) :)


Thanks, it's so good of you to let me know, Marilyn! Hope you and yours are all well! Libby ;-)


I think about you and your courage and always hope you are doing well. Glad to read the good results.


All did go well today, snookums...labs were good, so we started the 4th round today! Lots better rest when the pre-meds wear off...thanks for the sweet comment! ;-)))

Thanks for letting me know, Marchon...loved it and left a comment! ;-)))


For my princess: http://www.jigidi.com/created.php?id=PS1C0VYD

Hope all goes well tomorrow and that you are feeling more rested. Big hugs! ♥♥♥♥


Happy Easter my dear, dear friends!
Quiet day here, couldn't have chemo last week due to low white blood cell count, which is why I have been more fatigued recently. I've been taking it easy, trying not to get sick or hurt myself (so as not to tax my immune system further), and hoping for counts high enough to get chemo again Thurs-Sat of this coming week. Hope all of you have been having a lovely day!!! XOXO Libby ;-)))


Happy Easter, Libby. Glad you found your card. The Hope of the resurrection is what keeps us going. Prayers continue for the miracle - complete healing. Love and gentle Hugs. Ardy


This brings our Easter blessings to you and your loveys. We're praying for your body to stay strong and bring you through this. Just want you to know we love you so very much. - well, Cali hasn't met you yet, but she'd smother you with kisses!


Just wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a Happy Easter, Libby. Wishing you well as you begin your next round of chemo. Thinking of you and sending healing hugs. :-)


Happy Easter, Libby. Hugs to you and your babies. ♥

Hope you have a wonderful Easter, Libby. Hugs. ♥♥♥♥


Happy Easter for you Libby and all yours from Jana and Max :-))



Cali and I are sending you all good wishes - and prayer support, as well. I don't exactly know that Cali prays, but she seems respectful of my prayer time, so somethin's goin' on in that stubborn little noggin! :)


Welllllll snooker, no news in this case is...um...no news! ;-) Been plagued with more fatigue this time, and savoring the moments until Thurs when I begin the 4th chemo. Another CT scan about 2 weeks after that, and news then, for sure! Thank you one and all for your caring and comments! ;-)))

Hope all is well and no news is good news. :) ♥♥♥


Hiya, Libby! I've not been around jigidi much lately (busy with photo commitments) but wanted to know that I'm still sending whatever positive energy I can to you. You're in my thoughts daily, dear girl! Love and hugs winging their way.... ☺♥

(*bark* bark* - the kids are saying that they want a piece of this action too!)


Good morning, Libby. See you're online. Wishing you a great day. :)


Reductions of affected areas, tolerating the chemo well, halfway through chemo.

Excellent indeed :-)


Hi Libby, just popped in to say hello. Hope you're doing well. :-)


I hope that this is just the beginning of a whole string of good news, each one better than the previous one! Love and hugs from me. ♥◡♥ Happy belated birthday too !


Wow!!!!! Just checked in here tonight on the very off chance there might be a word from you! And what wonderful words they were!! Sorry for repeating the oft stated, but YOU GO, GIRL!!! I've been off the rails a bit lately, so now that I know it's your birthday, you'll have to make due with no special puzzle - but with my deep love and highest regard. Truly the angels danced the day you were born! And they seem to be still dancing!!
I doubt that you are up to doing puzzles, but if you check this puzzle thumbnail, you can get a glimpse of my new companion - rescued from a high-kill shelter before she was euthanized.
During a family get-acquainted "love fest" with her, she got named California Burrito - though she was so skinny we could count her ribs whether we wanted to or not. I (sensibly) shortened it to Cali - which I felt made a bit more of a bond between you and me. :)
Keep on a-kickin' that @#%^& Cruella!! Prayers from here abound.


Hee hee fun puzzle Libby, thanks. Sending you best wishes for a full recovery, it sounds like you are in good spirits!



Libby, hope your special day is great and that you're feeling well. Hugs to you and your babies. :-)


I CAN, snooks, thank you! ;-)))

That little birdy has a BIG mouth, Ardy...found it, thank you so very much! ;-)))


Good morning, dear Libby. A little bird told me it was your birthday. Here is a card for you from me.

Hi, Libby. Just checking in with a few more hugs in tow. Hope you can feel them. :)


Thank you my sweet friends... ; - ))))))))))!!!


WHOO HOO! Keep nipping her ankles and driving her off the property, dear girl! If you dog her every move, she'll soon get the idea that she's an unwelcome visitor! BARK...Off, OFF, Cruela! ☺☺♥


Sleeping off the effects of those chemical cocktails? Good girl, you rest up. Hugs.


How excellent Libby, blessings were bound to come your way, how could they not for such a wonderful, strong and positive women that I'm proud to call my friend!!!!
Big hugs & lots more prayers coming your way!!!


Prayers for keeping the Onc Doc impressed! Sounds great, Libby! ((Hugs))


Fantastic news, Libby. :-))))))))))


Please forgive the group response...thank you for all the support and enthusiasm!!! Love and hugs to all! ;-)))


Java, thanks for the update. And what good news - no wonder the doc is impressed. Keep up the good work :))))) Hugs


Libby, I'm so thankful. Praise the Lord. You continue in my thoughts and prayers many times each day. Blessings, love and hugs. Share some hugs with the girls.


Way to go, buddy... Really, really good news... We're doing a happy dance here.... Kirsten and Gail stole our line.... So Ditto, ditto, ditto.... AND

YOU, GO, GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!

Love and Mucho, mucho, hugs, wrapped with prayers.... ♥‿♥ ♥‿♥


Libby, I was going to say "you go, girl", but I see Kirsten stole my line. So I'll just say ... WOO HOO!!!! YAY!!!! YIPPEE!!!! HURRAY!!!! FANTASTIC!!!! TERRIFIC!!!! WONDERFUL!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

And, YOU GO, GIRL!!!!!

God bless you javasage! You are on our prayer list ♥


It just goes to show. You can't keep a good woman down! You go girl! Such wonderful news, Libby. You keep showing Cruella your left hook! ❤❤❤


Works for me, Faye! ;-)))


And we're bringing in the STOMP dance troupe to finish the job!!! ☺❤☺


You all ROCK!!! ;-)))


You go, Libby! Half way through....we are with you!



Wonderful news, Libby! I continue to send warm thoughts, prayers and hugs. :-)

How wonderful, Libby! Sending more hugs and strength your way so keep leaning on us.


EXCELLENT NEWS! (I know I'm yelling and I don't care!)


Kick away, my dear! And then kick her again :)

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