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For All My Jigidi Friends Who Have Recently Lost A Beloved Pet

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For Michelle, Francine, Sue, Gail and everyone who has ever lost an especially beloved pet...I have to believe.......
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  1. laurajane0:43
  2. javasage0:47
  3. marunka2770:47
  4. like921150:49
  5. evina560:50
  6. Marchon0:52
  7. cobalt0:52
  8. riveroad0:52
  9. carthill0:54
  10. snooker0:54


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I have a few waiting for me.


In May it will be one year since I lost my cat, Catman, but sometimes it seems like yesterday...Sue

Lovely puzzle, THNX


Libby, even a tough guy like me gets the sniffles every time I hear it ;-)


Thanks for posting this Marchon, I hope it brings some relief and/or peace to anyone returning, or visiting for the first time!
O Mighty One...I tried to listen...I really did. I do seem to cry at the drop of a hat these days, so it may be awhile, but will try again, promise! ;-)))


Been meaning to add this link for awhile now, song starts at the 4 min. mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzfs5ocRX68


So sorry for your loss Michelle, and Laura Jane. My thoughts are with you. It takes time before it starts to get easier. This is a lovely depiction. Thanks for posting javasage. Thanks for the text jetmech. Nicky.


Nice of you to add the text, jetmech7, thank you! ;-)


JM, I do too.

Jetmech7 ~ thank you for this. Very emotional. ♥


Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...


It hurts every time I look at this, but I still come here and look and remember


Oh Francine...I know...PLEASE look at it as often as you like...I can't tell you how much it means to me that you've been coming here to visit...and let me know...I am deeply touched! I've found that different things help at different times...sometimes I need to feel and experience the grief...then other times I need to take a break from it. Whatever helps is always the right thing to do...would that I could ease your heart just a wee bit!
When I first saw the jig that Ms Sally created for me, my heart lit up with such joy and love...but might I share with you that as fiercely as I love Callie Lou and Roxie, the happiness, delight and joy they bring to me didn't keep the pang of heartache from flooding all the way through me when I zeroed in on the pic of my sweet Dulcie...the depth of our grief is the measure of the depth of our love...be well and heal in your own time, my dear friend and believe! Libby


I still come and visit this puzzle once in a while as it beckons me. I shouldn't though and I'm glad to say I'm no longer looking at it daily. I truly wish it would be possible for us to be re-united with our beloved pets, our babies.


Hi javasage, I gave a listen to Melody Gardot's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and definitely like it. Thanks for recommending it to us!


That is a heart-breaker laurajane! It's difficult enough when an elderly pet who has had a long and happy life leaves us, to have a sweet young life cut short...accident or no, is devastating! Maybe someday soon you will have another furry one to be "Auntie" for! Thanks for taking the time to drop in and leave your comment...it means a lot to me! Libby ;-)


This is so precious, Libby. I really appreciate it. Last week , the cat that I always sat for when their owners were away, got out and was killed by a car. The owners think that their grand kids let the cat out by mistake. Anyway, I sort of adopted that cat because I can't have one of my own (allergies). I was heartbroken. He was "my boy!"


I now just how you feel (felt), Josie. That is the very reason I could not post anything when my sweet Dulcie died...there was no way I could have responded to any comments at the time, and for a long time afterward. I had a MUCH harder time handling my emotions when people were warm and caring than if they were blase about it... guess I am more private about my grief than my joy. Roxie and Callie Lou have each in their own way been my saving grace! Thank you so much for leaving your comments...I am enjoying talking with you! Hugs to you, Libby ;-)


Hi Libby, I didn't post it, I wrote to Stefan and asked him to change my name , didn't want to cry anymore, and as well meaning as the sympathy is, it really makes you cry. Andy did his job, it took two rescues to fill his shoes, and I am counting on seeing him and many others over that bridge. Hugs.


Thank you Josie! I remember your avatar pic of Andy...you may not have been posting much then, otherwise I just don't remember seeing he had passed over the bridge...I am so very, very sorry. I now that must have been a huge loss for you!!! Libby


This is lovely Libby, we have all lost furry family members, there are some I can't wait to see again. A year ago 4/24 I lost my Andy (blukat) oh, there are so many...


i love it javasage!


"Before I forget there is an update on Callie Lou on her profile. She had her surgery Monday and is doing fine. Libby seems to be recovering too. :-))"

Libby, I saw this posting of Ardy's on one of Barb's puzzles. Since it's been about three years that I only have time to look at Favorites, Callie Lou was not in there. Can you tell me what happened and how she's doing? My fibro has robbed me of whatever remaining memory I had left, so please forgive me if I've asked previously. Either that, or I'm sorry I haven't asked sooner! Can I assume from the smiling emoticon at the end of Ardy's comment that you're recovering emotionally from whatever happened to Callie Lou? Thanks, Libby. Oh, by the way, it sounds as if you might have misunderstood me when I said I was your 100th solve, I didn't mean that I had solved 100 puzzles prior to this one. I meant that I was the 100th person to solve this puzzle.


Back on Jigidi now and had to return to these special puzzles to thank everyone again. What a caring and loving community.

Libby, I know what you mean, since I've had many furred and feathered and gilled (and one scaled...courtesy my youngest son) in my life that I have had to watch step out to cross that bridge. While I loved them all (okay, I admit that I liked the fish well enough and I tolerated the snake), a very few were soul-mates. Bonnie was one of them. It will take a while to stop hearing her and anxiously looking for her but I do know that this shall pass. We were blessed to have had her in our lives. Aren't we all so fortunate to have known and appreciated an animal's love? Hugs in return!


Many mega hugs to you Ms Sally, and lets toss Ms Chrissie in there, too!

Michelle, I have grieved differently for each of my fur kids...each one of them have been so different, as have many others, I'm sure. Your willingness to share Sweet Bonnie's life...and her transition has warmed so many of our hearts. Just know we are all walking that long road with you. Hugs to you, Meara, Darcy and all your human family, Libby

Gail, no worries, glad you came back though...I would have felt all whompy-jawed with 99 solves! I really loved this painting of the Rainbow Bridge, it fits my vision of it almost exactly! (Glad you found my note) Libby


Hi Libby, I got so wrapped up in looking through Michelle's puzzle and reading all the comments that I completely forgot to come back here and thank you for this lovely puzzle. This is a wonderful depiction of the rainbow bridge. Thanks so much. I'm your 100th solve.


I too have been touched by all the wonderful love expressed for Michelle's loss, and that of so many others. My beloved Cokie Dog and Jesse Cat died withing one month of each other 5 years ago and I miss them still. That Rainbow bridge is in my heart as well. Thank you Libby!


Libby, my heart is over-full right now and I thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness. I also thank all who commented here; it means so much to share with those who truly understand. You have all touched me, indeed. I have posted a memoriam to Bonnie today.


Dear, sweet Libby... What glorious sentiment.... How joyous it will be to see them all again one day.... Hugs to you dear girl.... :) :)


Thank you all for taking the time to leave your comments, Marian, riveroad, disney, madmaxi, Faye (thank you, again!), Trudy, Francine, and punkin...I hope Michelle comes by when she is able and is as touched by your response as I am...Libby


The perfect sentiment, Libby. Thank you for posting this; losing a beloved pet is an experience many of us share. Our hearts go out to Michelle.


Libby, I can't tell you how much this touched me. I also would love to believe...Somehow, need to believe.
~Also, thank you for your last comments on my puzzle. It's difficult to respond, except to say you have my heartfelt thanks. Now, our Michelle is in my thoughts. Wish she could pick up the vibes of our large group hug.


gemstone, I read Proof of Heaven twice.... it's a great comfort to know our beloved pets will be there to greet us!


Lovely, Libby...and very thoughtful.

I'm just finishing "Proof of Heaven...A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife" by Dr. Eben Alexander and on page 39 he states, "and sometimes I'd see a dog, running and jumping among them, as full of joy as the people were." Heaven is supposed to be unconditional love...and dogs offer that more than most people...so, in my books, riveroad, you'll want to go!

Remember they will be waiting for you the other side of the bridge (its hard)


Thank you so much!
I believe.... Missy, I will see you there!


What's that old saying? If pets aren't allowed in heaven, I'm not going!


What a beautiful sentiment......

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