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The Power of the Universe...in my hand! ;-)))

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I wanted a tangible item to have with me at all times to help remind me of the healing, loving energy and the awesome power available from the universe if we just reach out to accept it...I need the reminder all too often!!!
So I contacted Melissa at Doggone Tags (etsy shop, she makes people items, too! ) and asked her to create this talisman...sort of a repository for all your thoughts from the heart, prayers, positive healing energy and well wishes...my own personal prayer wheel or mani medallion, and this is the result! It will be a necklace soon...I couldn't be more delighted and grateful for her talents and generosity! ;-)))
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  2. riveroad0:07
  3. snooker0:07
  4. Marchon0:08
  5. pumpkinhead0:08
  6. Benazir0:08
  7. leslieg0:08
  8. KatieZn0:09
  9. alias2v0:09
  10. andie9830:09


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TFS, your beautiful talisman.☣️


It did Ardy, and I am so delighted!!! Working on a response for you and an update jig to post as well! Have 1 more chemo session this am, then can finish later on today! THANK YOU for the love and prayers...Love and hugs to you! ;-)))


Love and prayers coming through to you as always, Libby. Did you get my email? I know it's hard for you to respond right now. I'm just wondering if it came through. I check here daily if this is easier.


Thank you Suzy, I can feel them! ;-)
Nice of you both to notice, Faye and riveroad! It's been 5 years of pure fun, friends and so much more! ;-)))
Marchon...I sure love having you in my corner!!! ;-)))


Oh, my, yes...I missed that. ♪♬ Happy Anniversary ♬♪


Happy 5th Jigidi anniversary!


Checking in with warm thoughts and hugs.


Hang in there, Baby! I'm rooting for you this weekend!


Oh Sweet TaterPuss, I have been missing you! Hope you are well, and I think of YOU ever so very fondly...I am seriously (well, as much as I can ;-))) ) grateful for your blessings!!! Great big grins, and HUGE hugs! ;-)))

Thanks so much Gail, I SO wish there was something we could do to bring good and pain-free health to you! ;-)))


Libby, this is beautiful. May you wear it in good health.


Dearest Libby - am catching up after a long absence, so that's why you haven't got a message from me. What a wonderful idea to have such a beautiful, tangible bit of this marvelous cosmos to hold - and soon, to wear.
Incredible and wonderful miracles certainly do happen. I count meeting you (in tangible person!) a miracle that happened in my life! How many seemingly random events had to come together in order for that to happen! Yet I think of you so often and the thought of those few hours never fails to bring me smiles and outright laughter.
Now I'll take that wonderful glow of memories and surround it with with the strongest prayer of which I am capable. you are precious beyond words - and not just to me, but to so many others as well.


Thanks Suzy, cheers to you! ;-)))


It's truly a wonderful piece. Wear it in good health.


Check out Jan's (JiggyBelle) new addition! ☺❤☺



Awwww, thank you Jana...hope you feel all the cuddles, love and hugs coming from us to you! ;-)))


I am with all my furry pets and I thik we all on Jigidi with you :-))) )Lovely cuddles for all your pets and many hugs and love for you :-)))


Glad you found it, Faye! ;-)))


This is lovely...what a great close-up...I really like the little snowflakes, too...and including copper is such a terrific idea as it has been associated with healing for so long...I'm sure it will attract and hold all those positive vibes! ❤❤❤


snooks, I believe it will, too! ;-)))

Melissa created a wonderful talisman for you. It WILL work.


Rosie, you caught the intention exactly, thank you! ;-)))

No wonder it feels heavier, Marchon...glad you like it! ;-)))

What a lovely prayer, Mimi...thank you for going to the trouble to share it with me!!! ;-)))


Libby, here's a prayer to add to the others. It's from a very old Hymn.

" Enfolded deep in Thy dear love, held in Thy love I stand.
Thy hand in all things I behold, and all things in Thy hand.
Thou leadest me by unsought ways, and turn my mourning into praise!"


That thing must weigh a ton with all the love and support it holds for our dear girl! It's great!


Perfect for bringing the powers of the universe together. May this talisman gather all of our prayers and good thoughts and hugs together in one place, your heart, to carry with you as you continue on your journey. Wear it with love after having it blessed.


Thank you ladywill, glad you think so! ;-)))


this is very pretty.


Thanks Francine, Mr O...you sure do make me smile...and Ardy, that's what I'm counting on...I am so touched by your continuing kindnesses! Bless you all! ;-)))


It's lovely. May it connect you to your Creator who made you in the beginning and who can bring healing now. Loving, healing thoughts and prayers are with you.


and it sure is universal!


It's lovely.

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