Řešte, vytvářejte, sdílejte a mluvte o skládačkách

Já (se snažím) vidět, co říkáte.

Tento týden bylo na Jigidi sdíleno 27149 komentářů k 7558 hádankám. Dalo vám některé z nich zabrat přesčas a snažili jste se přijít na to, jaký význam a záměr proboha mělo sdělení?

Je pravděpodobné, že to mnozí z nich udělali.

Při vzájemné komunikaci čteme význam a záměr u jednání druhého člověka z řeči těla.

Co to znamená pro pouhou textovou komunikaci, kterou si mnozí z nás na Jigidi užívají?

Znamená to, že si musíme přidat trochu práce s myslí, abychom si to vynahradili!

Ještě se vrátím k tomu, jak - a začnu tím, proč to stojí za to. ♥

Na Jigidi máš na dosah celý svět.

Výhodou Jigidi je, že se jedná o internetovou komunitu.

Tato úžasná technologie nám umožňuje spojit se přes nejrůznější fyzické hranice a rozvíjet vzájemný smysl a porozumění.

Ale - internet nám sice může vytyčit prostor napříč hranicemi a umožnit nám setkávat se především rozumem - ale má také zjevnou nevýhodu, pokud jde o to, abychom se lépe poznali: zaostáváme, pokud jde o informace předávané prostřednictvím řeči těla.

To je tak samozřejmé, že jsme to tendence dát do "samozřejmě-šuplíku" a jít dál s našimi životy.

Ale v následujících 3 minutách mi prosím nezavírejte ten šuplík, protože na této cestě nás čeká past, které bychom se rádi vyhnuli.

Nejprve se seznamte: Zrcadlové neurony

Zrcadlové neurony jsou neurony, které vám umožňují napodobit činnost jiné osoby, kterou pozorujete, jako byste tuto činnost prováděli sami.

Děláte to neúmyslně, ale z velmi dobrého důvodu; váš mozek chápe věci díky informacím, které získává a zpracovává celým svým tělem.

Tento druh "testování", co se do řeči těla promítá, pokud jde o emoce, vám pomůže lépe porozumět pozorované osobě.

Jsme takto propojeni, protože jsme jako druh hluboce propleteni.

Učíme se jeden od druhého a potřebujeme se navzájem, abychom byli zdraví a šťastní. Proto si neustále zjišťujeme informace o "teplotě" ve skupině nebo o osobě, kterou hledáme.

Automaticky vyplňujeme záměr

A teď už k bodu Jigidi (určitě jste tušili, že přijde první část tohoto bodu).

Na Jigidi nemáme k dispozici řeč těla druhých, podle které bychom se mohli orientovat, když se snažíme zjistit význam akcí druhých.

Tato chybějící informace znamená, že si hned od začátku úplně nerozumíme. A v důsledku toho nemusíme vždy včas regulovat své odpovědi na základě toho, jak se zdá, že druhá osoba chápe to, co říkáme.

Zde přichází druhá část pointy.

Ve jménu bezpečnosti a efektivity náš mozek na základě našich zkušeností a znalostí vytváří prognózy významu a záměru.

Tato zvláštní funkce mozku je neocenitelná, když uslyšíte chrastění vycházející z křoví a uvidíte něco dlouhého a elegantního, jak se k vám sunou. Ale v těžkých dnech, kdy většinou nečekáme, že se na nás vesmír oboří s jakoukoli formou laskavosti, může opravdu přidat.

V těchto dnech je velké riziko, že z komunikace vyvodíme špatný úmysl. Naše očekávání záměru tak zaujme místo, které zůstalo otevřené, protože melodie byla pouze "naťuknuta", nikoliv plně zahrána.

Když tedy uznáme, že v online komunikaci chybí informace z řeči těla, tónu hlasu, celého kontextu a podobně, můžeme to při interpretaci online komunikace zohlednit.

A přitom pomáhat utvářet očekávání našich kolegů hádankářů ohledně toho, co pro ně vesmír dnes připravil.

Když máte pochybnosti - zvolte laskavost

Abychom vykompenzovali řídké informace a naše instinktivní doplňování mezer týkajících se záměru, musíme být otevřeni, pokud jde o komunikaci našich kolegů hádankářů na Jigidi.

To se téměř vždy reklamuje na to, že si v prvních "kolech", kdy nenajdete společnou řeč, dáváte vzájemně za pravdu. A také se upřímně zajímat o to, co je hnacím motorem chování našeho protějšku. Když nemusíme nutně sdílet celou paletu hodnot, je strašně snadné překročit hranice toho druhého pouhou náhodou.

Co tedy s těmi těžkými dny, kdy je laskavost spíše výsledkem osobního rozhodnutí - projevu vůle - než naší výchozí dispozicí?

To nic neubírá na síle vašich laskavých činů.

Vůbec nic.

Formuje však očekávání vašich kolegů hádankářů, s čím se mohou setkat z vesmíru a komunity Jigidi. ♥

S velkou láskou, Jigidi


Pro komentáře se prosím přihlaste. Nemáte profil? Připojte se nyní! Připojení je zcela zdarma a nejsou vyžadovány žádné osobní údaje.


I love this site. been doing puzzles for a long time and always wondered how some people can do the puzzles so fast. WELL, I figured it out. They arent faster than us. NOPE. They arrange all the borders and patterns without connecting two pieces .... then they connect two pieces and log out. when they return, they are on their first minute

I find the puzzles on Jigidi and my husband, 85, sits every night and spends hours in enjoyment, solving them. Now when I find a good one (over 500 pieces), I can't seem to save it and I don't see anywhere in your comments that answers that concern. Does anyone in the "Jigidi Community" know how to save a puzzle originally so my poor husband can go back and find it to work on it????? HELP!

Why anyone wants to go back to Flash Player now when it is ending this month is beyond me. You just have to go through all this agony again anyway, don't you? Thanks Apple

I love jigidi and how wonderful has it been during our period of isolation! I am quite competitive and so the Leaderboard is a big part of my puzzle solving. However, since my latest system update my times aren't posting anywhere. Yes I did log in again! So I am hoping someone can help me with my problem, Thank you in anticipation. Elizabeth


which ne is the lady?


100% agree
Wonderful and true post.


dear @Mettem and @Magnus - i am so thrilled ☺☺☺ I am able to solve my puzzles again xx Thanks to The powers that be at jigidi for fixing the problem xx thank you thank you - it was a very sad and boring 7 days being unable to solve ☺☺☺☺ ♥♥♥♥♥


is any one else having these problems ??????


still cannot solve - now 2 days and 2 nights - praying you will get it sorted out soonest - i am getting serious withdrawal symptoms @Mettem @Stefan


dear @Mettem and @Stefan ~ I was able to post my puzzles today @brightspark and @sparklightie but not able to solve at all, this is so frustrating - when i press solve it says preparing puzzle and then my screen completely freezes - hoping that you will be able to solve the problem soonest xx thx so much xx michelle ♥♥♥


The written word can be taken entirely the wrong way, the reader cant see the eyes of the writer, or hear the tone of his/her voice. Does it mean laughter, or contempt? That is why we need to carefully select the words that we use.
I have always had requests for smaller puzzles answered. Love jigidi, thank you for providing this world wide place for interaction and enjoyment. Fay.


Many thanks for making this a soothing and tranquil place☺♥


I love sharing my artwork & photos but am not so great at commenting so I just say thanks or you're welcome, My apologies to all but I do get tongue tied. I have found the folks here are kind and considerate, it's a big reason I hang out here. ☺♥




mrheaume, please ask me anytime you would like a puzzle enlarged. I will always give it my best shot. I have even enlarged others' puzzles, too, if I can find the image with google, when I notice the original puzzle creator has not responded, or has declined. I believe if you insert @Zsuzsineni in the comment/request, I will notice. Zsuzsi


I teach communication so I know just what you mean - it's so easy to misinterpret text due to the lack of context. As Rebeccab says, emoticons can help when you make a jokey comment that might be misinterpreted. Humour doesn't always cross cultures that successfully. The English vs American sense of humour, for example, are often quite different. I have made wonderful online friends through Jigidi and people leave lovely comments and compliments. It's also a great place to learn about different cultures and experiences. In my experience Jigideers are innately kind and thoughtful - maybe puzzling draws that kind of person. Thank you for the many happy hours I spend on Jigidi and the chance to share my creations with many others. It is my daily hobby and joy. Jayne

Definitely true. main thing is to not take offense unless the comment is obviously mean.


Well said.


yes . . . I love how you and Magnus have made kindness and acceptance and friendship and interesting knowledge and the beauty of this universe we live in the first things we think of when we hear the word "jigidi" We just assume kindness and the desire to communicate from our true heart is the "platform" upon which we all stand as we make our puzzles and comment on other puzzles ☺♥☺


I fully agree with you on this subject. I cannot deny that I have been unintentionally guilty myself from both sides of misunderstandings. Even though I try to be careful in how and what I say mistakes can be made so easily. My "alter-ego" on Jigidi posts puzzles that are interactive and encourages comments to be made so have seen these misunderstandings evolve and have found myself acting as a bit of a peacekeeper before the situation gets out of hand . . . thank goodness for the "Private Puzzle" facility that you introduced a while back as it means this does not have to be made public and cause embarrassment to either party. I usually mention the main points that you have talked about particularly referencing intonation which I believe to be the main cause of these misunderstandings.

Thank you for mentioning the problem and opening the matter up for discussion. I am sure it will make us all more aware and of how an innocent comment can be misconstrued and be more careful in future . . . ;-)


Thank you for such a thoughtful, intelligent, caring post! This is something I try to keep in mind, but it's not always easy. I don't solve many puzzles, but I love finding artwork and making puzzles. I enjoy getting and responding to comments, although on bad days I don't have much to say. I wish I spoke many languages so that I could respond to comments that are not in English. To @mrheaume, who asked about enlarging puzzles, not everyone might know how to do that, and sometimes the puzzle just won't get more pieces, no matter how much you enlarge the original photo! It depends on the size and the shape of the photo. I always try to honor requests to enlarge puzzles (or make them smaller) but sometimes it just doesn't work out. There must be lots of other reasons why someone wouldn't respond to a comment though, so don't take it personally! Thanks to all who keep Jigidi going. It's such an enjoyable part of my life.


I feel like you wrote this for me. A couple of days ago I left a comment and must have insulted the person when I made a silly remark about a detail in the picture, I did mention how much I enjoyed the puzzle. All her comments were deleted, no explaination, so I deleted mine, and will probably not visit her site again. Amazing how bad I feel about something I don't even understand. Yes, indeed, we need to be careful. :(

I don't know if anyone else has this problem but when I add a comment on a puzzle and ask them to enlarge it if they can I never get any response and I don't ever get the puzzle enlarged. I know you can't enlarge all the puzzles but after asking for a larger puzzle on at least a dozen occasions what am I missing.


Hi Mette!

Your blog is nicely written, well organized and meaningful. This indeed is a valuable add on to the already wonderful world of Jigidi where we learn more about other people's lives and cultures, and gives me an added learning of good communicative English which is my second language.

Thank you for giving us access to this wonderful place.

More power to you and the JTeam!


Thank you, Mettem;

After reading your wonderful post, I must confess, I do not leave as many comments as I should, even after the joy of completing a puzzle and gaining so much insight, I do, indeed, have some comments I should be sharing, but instead, go carelessly on my way.

Your words have brought back to mind those young days in New York, when after work, we would all get together for coffee and have, what I call, a 'Meeting of Minds', and this is exactly what Jigidi is for me these days.

I love working the puzzles - afterward, I have a wonderful experience of being lifted from my present situations - just like sitting down having a cup of coffee with an old pal.
I may not see you, but your spirit is with me.
Except that, now, you will all be hearing from me.

Being as adobe flash player won't be supported any more soon , how will this affect the site ?


I have found the most wonderful, caring, sharing people on Jigidi. I wish that EVERYONE could be part of this Jigidi world. If this were true, I am certain there would be more peace and love in our world.


I enjoy the comments on this site. They elicit a grin from me, whether it's a simple thank you, a statement about the picture, a wish for good things for participants, or something that I can't understand (not due to language).


This is where I think emoticons can help make the meaning clear - a winking face ;) if you're joking, a smiling face if you're just curious but not criticizing, etc. Or explaining your intent before the comment or question, like "I'm just curious, did this actually work?" I've hardly ever run into trouble, but a few times have seen a possible interpretation I didn't intend or expect only when it was pointed out to me, and so I just apologized, and it was accepted graciously. GREAT people on Jigidi, but yes, it can get a bit sticky now and then - especially when using Google translate, LOL.

body language is non-existence, person's preferences maybe can be figured out with what puzzles they choose to work on and those on same page , not chosen, (but the sheer size of puzzle may throw this preference figuring right out the window, if people shy away from too few or too many piece puzzle). Comments made are real, and kindness of course should be foundation to anything stated, but sometimes the Truth hurts, so still, people ought not get indignant or insulted if a Truth is being stated, trying to diminish it, as if it is merely an opinion. So take everything with a grain of salt and be happy. There are so many different puzzles offered by so many different people who spoke/write different languages, that JIGIDI is really a wonderful place to spend time.


Thank you so much for your post! You have an incredible insight and also the ability to translate that insight into kind, respectful dialogue with others. I wish more of us could be as talented. However, I believe that many of us, including myself, could at least try harder to be kind and respectful toward our fellow Jigidiers. I have been on both ends of misinterpreted comments, so I know how it feels to be misunderstood and to misunderstand. In the future, I will make a concerted effort to be kinder both in my own comments and in my take on others' comments.

Thank you so much for your efforts to make Jigidi the wonderful place that it can be!


Well said, Mette. I have found people incredibly kind here on Jigidi. I try to do likewise. I especially appreciated how Magnus replied personally on each of his birthday puzzles. A lovely example for all of us and actions usually speak louder than words. ♥♥


Thanks, Mette. You are someone I would love to sit and talk with, and I appreciate your posts. I followed the first link in your post to https://www.ft.com/content/3f5c647a-7768-11e5-a95a-27d368e1ddf7 and found not only an interesting book extract but a wonderful stitched illustration—by far the most attractive illustration of the human brain I've ever seen!


A well-intended post, that I take with the best of intentions, as I usually try to take posts at this site! ☺︎
After reading this, I will try harder, on "off" days, to assume kindliness, on the part of others, and in my own approach. ♥︎
Thank you for kind and insightful, and helpful, post. ☀️☺︎☀️

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