Solve, create, share and talk about jigsaw puzzles

Layout Changes for Mobile Devices

Hi, puzzlers!

If you enjoy solving puzzles on Jigidi using your trusty mobile devices like smartphones and tablets or prefer a browser window that's not maxed out, then this one is for you ☺

1:31 Ianto 14
News: Layout Changes for Mobile Devices

We've updated the layout and menu for those of you who use Jigidi on devices with smaller screens. This is often tables, mobile phones, and if your browser window isn't maximized.

It depends on the browser window width, whether you see the design for smaller screens and windows or the design for regular-sized or large desktops.

Why the Change?

  1. Space Considerations: On smaller screens, such as mobile phones and tablets, the top of our pages, including the navigation menu, used up a bit too much space considering the screen size here is limited already. We felt it was time to give more room to the real stars of the show - the puzzles themselves ♥
  2. Navigational Efficiency: The left-side navigation, visible only on mobile devices, was somewhat cumbersome to navigate. Over time, we have received feedback from mobile device puzzlers, highlighting the need for a more straightforward approach to the left-side navigation on mobile devices. And the feedback resonated with us as we always strive to keep Jigidi easy-to-use.

So, What's New?

Now, to the good stuff - we have updated the mobile layout to address these concerns ☺

When you visit Jigidi on screens of moderate size, typically tablets, you will discern a notable alteration at the page's summit. This adjustment minimizes the need for scrolling, ensuring that the puzzles take center stage.

To access the navigation menu on these screens, locate the mobile menu button (see image below), a trio of tidy, white rectangles arranged in the top left corner of your screen:

The left side menu will reveal itself when you click this mobile menu button. And when it does, you will see that we have redesigned the menu by unfolding and rearranging the groups of menu items.

We have done so to provide you with a better overview, making navigation easy and quick.

Your Insights Matter

Often, when we make changes to improve Jigidi, it has to do with the feedback we get from all of you. So, please explore our redesigned layout optimized for smaller screens and windows. And if you encounter any issues, we’d appreciate your input through our support system.

Happy puzzling, everyone! We hope these enhancements will elevate your Jigidi experience on mobile devices, making it even more enjoyable ♥

Much love,



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How can I download the jigidi app. It doesn’t show up in apps


Where can I download the app?


Where has the Jigidi App gone? It's no longer showing in the App Store.

Where did the app go??!


I do not do puzzles on any small screen devices. I have a desk top screen for my computer. I would really like to go back to the old layout. It is frustrating to have to use a menu.

Hi I LOVE Jidigi. THANK YOU THANK YOU. I wasn't able to get the new changes to work. N


@Loopiedvir If you are seeing the new page layout, go to the left end of the black bar at top of page and click on the three white lines. In the menu that opens, under "Puzzles," click on "In progress."

Am at a loss and cant understand how to find unfinished puzzles


@RandomWorship Thank you for making that third point. In addition to giving hesitant users support for speaking up, public comments are also a way for users to get help from others with problems they are experiencing.


@Bluebonnet - thank you, but I probably won't use the support form because I probably won't log what happened when I tried solving on my phone after this change was made. I don't use my phone for solving as the screen is too small. I prefer to use my laptop, which seemingly hasn't been affected by the change. Thank goodness, from what I'm reading.

@Vie - thanks for thinking of me. I only used my phone to solve when I made my comment here, to see what this new change was like. But I used the browser on my phone, not the app.

@Jigidi - whilst I understand your preference for receiving feedback via your support system, the one thing that doesn't address is that where people can see that other users are brave enough to speak up about issues or what they don't like, they can be brave enough/emboldened to do so themselves. Like in a classroom, even of adults, where people often won't ask questions or venture opinions before someone starts them off. So in this blog post forum, anyone who is having problems with the new functionality who perhaps doesn't feel brave enough to question/express that - could feel emboldened by seeing others do it.


Hi all,

Thank you for your feedback on our new layout. While we understand that adapting to changes, especially in technology, can be challenging, we must emphasize that we need constructive feedback. We appreciate your fondness for the old layout; still, we're especially eager to hear about any specific issues you're encountering with the recent changes for smaller screens and windows.

Your detailed feedback through our support system is vital for us to identify and rectify any mistakes or oversights in our design. You may have noticed; we have already lured out some of the issues.

To help understand these changes, we invite you to read or re-read our blog post about the new layout tailored for mobile devices and smaller screens. For instance, this update does not impact the size or movement of puzzle pieces or change the website's background color, so if you are experiencing any problems in these or other areas, please reach out to us via our support function. While we read all blog comments, the support system is more efficient for organizing and addressing issues.

Thank you all ♥

With love, Jigidi


But but but . . . Our insights matter!

@Vie I've never installed the app. I don't even know how that works.


I use an iPad. I log into the website, do not use an app. The screen changed whilst I was solving a puzzle two days ago. So it did update the iPad. The amount of extra space I get is minimal. I still have pieces off screen. I can zoom in and out with two fingers or the buttons.
I think it is cumbersome and ugly. It is not smooth movements. But other than constantly making me stop and wonder, I can still get by. Unlike all the problems I am reading about here. I don’t think they will go back. You know corporate thinking. They have complaints (everybody gets complaints). They get on it, they decide they want to fix it. They assign and it gets a team, IT writes stuff up. And this is just the results. Who knows? Too big to fix right? Coders not the best? Ideas not viable? At this point after going down and up the chain, they’re not going back. In fact they will probably have to say how good it is to defend it.

@Bluebonnet @Ksamonkey @victoirejoi11 @sznana
@RandomWorship @Kyrin @MLJLAK923 @Lyricist
@gogogo @galanthophile @Juba1010 @Doinydoiny
@onewhofallsalot @Odetteswann

If you like the way Jigidi worked before the change, then uninstall the App and instead use your browser to load Jigidi by typing in "". It still uses the old settings.


You're welcome!


Thank you for the tag and info, Bluebonnet.


@Ksamonkey @Vie @victoirejoi11 @sznana
@RandomWorship @Kyrin @MLJLAK923 @Lyricist
@gogogo @galanthophile @Juba1010 @Doinydoiny
@onewhofallsalot @Odetteswann

Mette says in this blog post, "if you encounter any issues, we’d appreciate your input through our support system." I don't think she is planning to communicate here in the comments. So I used the support system to say that I do not like the changes, and I got back an e-mail from Yana at Jigidi who wrote this:

"The change was necessary for people who use tablets and mobile phones because of the space the old menu was taking. We have updated the layout and menu for those who use Jigidi on devices with smaller screens. This is often tables, mobile phones, and if your browser window is not maximized. You can read about the update here. If you have a laptop, but your browser is not on the full screen, you will see the new layout."

She then gave me a tutorial on how to navigate the new layout. I did not need a tutorial. I have used the new layout and I hate it. I have a 13.3-inch laptop and my browser is always maximized when I use Jigidi, and I am still getting the new layout. Did I mention how much I hate it?

If you would like to be taken seriously, please use the support form at the bottom of the page to send your insights to Jigidi admin. Remember, "Your Insights Matter"!

@onewhofallsalot This is especially true for you. It sounds as if you may have a problem that is not caused by the new system, which is inconvenient but has not made it impossible for the rest of us to get to the puzzles we have been working on.

Why have you got to make changes when the other way worked well

I figured it out, it's the app.
The app doesn't work when using a desktop

I've been locked out as a "logged in user" since you made the change. I was logged in and putting a puzzle together when the change was made, I don't know if that's what caused it. I have a desk-top computer and the change added the menu (=) button but when I select it all I get is a two inch blank space. It's like I'm not a logged in user and can only solve puzzles from the new postings.


Jigidi!!! No no no, Please leave it the way is was. Why make 10
moves +. Does not make sense! We love your old system. Please play with something else if you are bored. I also vote
no, no, no............................................ Otherwise you are GREAT
We love this puzzle game more than any other. Please keep it
that way.


Not a fan of the new layout. I preferred the old way.


Now speaking as a puzzle creator who often publishes eight puzzles in a day: This change is inconvenient, counterintuitive, and hard on arthritic hands, and it adds time and effort to the process of creating and publishing puzzles. I vote NO twice.


Sorry Jigidi. I'm so glad that I don't solve on my phone or on a tablet. I just tried this out on my phone, and the inability to zoom in and out, but instead having to shuffle the connected bits around the screen, trying to find more pieces that were off screen to connect them to, was very cumbersome! I think this change needs some more work. (❛ᴗ❛)


All this time I've thought your system was catered to the small screens, as the pieces of say, 250+ puzzles are way too tiny on laptop screens! Apparently this wasn't the case 😮
What you have long-needed to fix is allowing for the larger-piece puzzles (i.e. 250+) to fit larger screens (e.g. laptops, desktops and TV's) WITHOUT shrinking the pieces! My eyesight has paid heavily for this ridiculous setting!
And something else needs fixing, too - please don't have the puzzle load it's pieces all on top of each other! Often they're 4 and 5 levels thick, and this makes the playing space far too cluttered! It seems much worse than the older Flash system, and the clutter really messes with my head 😑
These two considerations are an issue for many of us here. I have seen lots of people complain about the tiny pieces being far too hard on their eyes, and that's why they choose to play puzzles of 100 or less pieces (not because of using a phone or tablet device!)
I really love this place as it's much better than other puzzling sites, and it's my time-out place to unwind: but the piece size and clutter actually stir up my anger 😒
Thank you for taking this all on board, and please, please fill these problems 🙏

Why don't you allow users to choose the layout they want ? My tablet had no problems with former layout selection strip and I prefer it. I'm annoyed and aggrevated just to look at the change. I love this site and use it every day. This change has really upset me.


I preferred the way it used to be, including the dark background. The sudden light background showing up is jarring


I solve on a 13" laptop. My initial reaction is that this "enhancement" has not enhanced my Jigidi experience at all. Best I can tell at this point - I was happier with the way things were prior to this latest change.


I’m not keen on this change. I liked being able to see my options at a glance at the top of the page


I use a laptop, not a mobile device, and I HATE the changed layout. I'm used to having all those options available to me on the "front page," and I do not like having to take an extra step to get to them. Isn't there a way to accommodate the mobile users without alienating the rest of us?

I solve the puzzles only on my phone, this change is of no use to me, I like how it was before the change. Instead, I have a problem with very large puzzles, from a certain size I can't reduce them anymore and they don't fit on the screen even if I rotate it, so I have to keep walking left and right to be able to solve the puzzle. This is a bit annoying, if something could be done about it I would appreciate it. Thank you very much jigidi

i have yet to get to play a puzzle. unable to get to the ones i am working on. to old for change. not enyoyable for older people. go back please


Not a fan. Way less attractive. Way less efficient. Extra steps, Now I am always having to move my arm across the iPad (my elbow told me didn’t like that). And worse, I have to open this every page change. Only to see - a long list of rows of print I have to read and find the one I want.
No one is objecting to your reasons, they are sound.
And probably a difficult task for IT.
So it is functional. But not fun.