Layout Changes for Mobile Devices
Hi, puzzlers!
If you enjoy solving puzzles on Jigidi using your trusty mobile devices like smartphones and tablets or prefer a browser window that's not maxed out, then this one is for you ☺
We've updated the layout and menu for those of you who use Jigidi on devices with smaller screens. This is often tables, mobile phones, and if your browser window isn't maximized.
It depends on the browser window width, whether you see the design for smaller screens and windows or the design for regular-sized or large desktops.
Why the Change?
- Space Considerations: On smaller screens, such as mobile phones and tablets, the top of our pages, including the navigation menu, used up a bit too much space considering the screen size here is limited already. We felt it was time to give more room to the real stars of the show - the puzzles themselves ♥
- Navigational Efficiency: The left-side navigation, visible only on mobile devices, was somewhat cumbersome to navigate. Over time, we have received feedback from mobile device puzzlers, highlighting the need for a more straightforward approach to the left-side navigation on mobile devices. And the feedback resonated with us as we always strive to keep Jigidi easy-to-use.
So, What's New?
Now, to the good stuff - we have updated the mobile layout to address these concerns ☺
When you visit Jigidi on screens of moderate size, typically tablets, you will discern a notable alteration at the page's summit. This adjustment minimizes the need for scrolling, ensuring that the puzzles take center stage.
To access the navigation menu on these screens, locate the mobile menu button (see image below), a trio of tidy, white rectangles arranged in the top left corner of your screen:
The left side menu will reveal itself when you click this mobile menu button. And when it does, you will see that we have redesigned the menu by unfolding and rearranging the groups of menu items.
We have done so to provide you with a better overview, making navigation easy and quick.
Your Insights Matter
Often, when we make changes to improve Jigidi, it has to do with the feedback we get from all of you. So, please explore our redesigned layout optimized for smaller screens and windows. And if you encounter any issues, we’d appreciate your input through our support system.
Happy puzzling, everyone! We hope these enhancements will elevate your Jigidi experience on mobile devices, making it even more enjoyable ♥
Much love,
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