Zen mode
When you solve puzzles on Jigidi, you can do it with or without having your time showing and registered.
We call the mode without time-tracking Zen mode, and it is excellent if you are looking to destress with the puzzles and enjoy a meditative energy while solving puzzles.
How to switch to Zen mode
To switch to Zen mode, you need to have a profile on Jigidi.
Once you have a profile on Jigidi, you can switch to Zen mode in your profile settings:
- click on your name in the upper right corner
- then choose 'My Profile'
- under 'Settings,' you activate the button that says 'Zen mode'
- remember to press 'Save Changes' after you've activated 'Zen mode'
You can enable and disable Zen mode as you please. Only puzzles solved while Zen mode is enabled will be without time tracking.
What's different in Zen mode?
When you have Zen mode enabled in your profile settings, you'll notice that time tracking for your account is completely disabled.
This means that:
- While solving a jigsaw puzzle, you'll not see a clock ticking, nor will you be able to pause. Only a progress indicator displaying how much of the puzzle you have solved will be present.
- After completing a puzzle, your time will not be recorded; thus, you cannot see your time nor be present on the leaderboard.
- Your completed puzzles will still appear on your "Completed Puzzles" page - but they will not have any information on the time used for solving them.
What will remain the same?
- You will still be able to see the leaderboard and the fastest solver on a puzzle.
- Solving a puzzle will still count on the puzzle and your profile statistics.
- Enabling Zen mode will have no impact on already completed puzzles. Your time on these puzzles will still be available, and should you be on a leaderboard, you'll keep this place.
Last revision: 24 February 2023