Disabling ad-blocking for Jigidi
Thank you so much for disabling your ad-blocker for Jigidi!
You're probably using AdBlock or AdBlock Plus - disabling these for Jigidi (whitelisting Jigidi) only requires a few clicks. You'll find a guide for this below. Please note, that your ad-blocker will still be active on other sites.
If you're using a different kind of ad-blocker you'll find step-by-step instructions at Wiki-How on how to disable your ad blocker.
Adblock Plus:
- Click the AdBlock Plus icon in the top right of your browser.
- Click "Enabled on this site" to disable ad-blocking for the current site. This will toggle it to "Disabled on this site".
- Click the AdBlock icon in the top right of your browser.
- Click "Don't run on pages on this domain".
- Once clicked a pop-up will appear. Click "Exclude" and the page should refresh.
Adblock Plus:
- Click on the AdBlock Plus icon in the top right of your browser.
- Click "Disable on jigidi.com".
- Click the AdBlock icon in the top right of your browser.
- Click "Don't run on pages on this domain".
- Once clicked a pop-up will appear. Click "Exclude" and the page should refresh.
While AdBlocker and AdBlocker Plus are the most common on the market, other ad-blockers exist. Disabling any ad-blocker for Jigidi genrally consists of just a few clicks:
- Find the icon of the ad-blocker (likely in your toolbar) and choose to disable it for jigidi.com.
Now, you're done! Thank you so much for coming through for Jigidi. We will, on our part, ensure a responsible and user-oriented ad policy on Jigidi.
Last revision: 16 April 2021