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July 3/15

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100 pieces
467 solves
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  1. chvas4:17
  2. bidmeadb4:18
  3. TaDah4:29
  4. Dee1401574:43
  5. mili134:45
  6. saya884:50
  7. sofiav4:51
  8. liannabunny5:05
  9. kaleless5:11
  10. bunzy5:12


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Thanks HeyJudeNM.... funny about those thick lines - - it's a pattern I created some time ago, and I had been thinking I wasn't crazy about the thick lines anymore. I'm glad you like them !!!


Thanks very much Kossamu !!


Very nice, NJTH. Hope you have a great day. I still love your puzzles, and this one is no exception. Great patterns and keep those thick lines; they really help.

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