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Something to Rest the Eyes!

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Dagmar, thank you so much! What a fun thing it would be to make the designs "come alive" on paper. Now, if I only had the time! :))


This is a real beauty, Jan and the idea about cards is not a bad one. You could make your own personalised greeting cards. Original Jan-design cards. :)))

Thanks for some beauty in my evening although I was far too slow for the board with 3:06 :))


Katie, so many of us could use a dash of Spring about now. Glad you liked it!

Cindy, I think white envelopes are dull, too. After all, they usually contain bills! LOL But, the softer colors would be perfect!

Magda - I do know exactly what you mean. Solving time is hard to find! But, we can dream. :(((


Such a lovely and delicate puzzle, thanks so much. I have bookmarked so many of your work, but when will I solve ?

Glad you like the idea, Jan!!! If these ever get to become a real item, I think it would add to the specialness to have the envelope in the palest, pink, green or yellow from the picture! Can you tell I hate white envelopes???


This is ever so lovely Jan! Keep dreaming of spring!!! :>)


Rosie, I wish it was much more time. But, duty calls! Glad to see you again. Thanks!!

Graciela....I do so wish it was spring! Thank you!


Beautiful! spring colors, I love it Jan! thanks


Gorgeous and the new avatar ain't bad either. So glad you're finding a little time to spend with us.


Kirsten and Cindy - what a GREAT idea. I just love the idea of note cards for friends! You're right, this does look like something along that line! Now, if you two will just help with the manufacturing and sales, I think we might have something going! LOL
Seriously, thank you both so very, very much!!!!!!!!! :)))

I would to have a box of (blank inside) note cards to send to friends with a personal note written by me. I know they would be delighted to see this!


Oh, Jan! I don't think I have the words to describe how I feel about this one. It is a thing of elegant beauty. I can see this image on gift cards. It's truly delightful! Thank you SO very much. ⁂♡☆♡⁂


Mimi - I thought a change of pace would be good. I am ready for spring! So glad you liked it!

Cindy - different, huh?! Just had to try something new. It's wonderful that you like it. Thanks!

Hi Jan ~~~ This is lovely and very relaxing!


Completely lovely Jan, and darned interesting too! Thanks! :))


Ardy, thank you so very much. I thought it was time for a different look!

Francine, they are nice together. I am so happy you liked them, too!

Srhdib, Thank you so much. It is nice to hear from you! I'm glad you liked it. Jan

Perfect name for a beautiful puzzle! Thanks for the pleasure you gave us!!


Beautiful design and colours. Thanks, Jan. (3:03)


Beautiful and restful. Love your framing and the rounded corners on the inner two make it feel softer and gentler as well. Thank you, Jan.


Yep, gotta use those reasons for nap time any time we can! LOL Thanks, Jim!!

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