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Party Poppers! (S)

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Or, Christmas Crackers, too, depending on the season! Thanks so much to Hester, Ardy, Kirsten and Deb for helping me name this puzzle. Elizabeth called them Party Poppers and that's less seasonal! Thanks, Elizabeth!
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Kakirleis - Glad you enjoyed it! :))

Ardy - Well, whenever you smile, I just have to grin back! Thanks so much! And, the hugs should already be there! :))

Kirsten - Thank you! You have made me smile, too!


I'm with Hester! I see crackers! Lovely puzzle, Jan. Thanks for the smiles. (❛ᴗ❛)


Title? Maybe- Smiling at you? Cuz that's what I'm dong right now, dean friend. I like the bottom row the best. Thanks, Jan. ((HUGS))




Grinning back at you, my friend!! :-DD


I think it is a perfectly good time for a celebration! Why not get some crackers and go for it? :))
You solved so quickly, Amiga, that you missed the comment at the end of the puzzle.
Here is is: "A smile is the shortest distance between two people."
I'm smiling at you right now. Thanks, Hester!!


Well...its not exactly seasonal, Jan, but these do look a bit like Christmas crackers!! LOL ;-)))

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