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In a terrible mood

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112 pieces
61 solves
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  1. lochdeath8:25
  2. peimom8:55
  3. Woofers9:38
  4. SANTADUDE9:44
  5. slowboy11:35
  6. twosmiths12:51
  7. TiteYumi13:05
  8. vonhinx13:08
  9. Spotopolis13:34
  10. smoky6513:48


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Boy oh boy, there are certainly days when I can empathize with this guy... ;)

Oops. Right rear leg, not left.

If you look really close, you can see one tiny shriveled front arm by the left rear one. Great point on the tracks though - apparently it hasn't moved in 65 million years!

No tracks and only 2 legs, must have fell from the sky or has not moved for a while.

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