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Patterns Rectangular

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Glad to hear that you had such a great and extended time.
This surgery was planned, Jill. I had the same surgery on the right ankle in March and was able to start walking the middle of June. My goal is to have the knees (which are bone on bone) replaced in 2016. Then I'll be able to 1) walk more than a few yards and 2) without pain.


Oh my, Gail....that's a bummer!! Hopefully you'll be able to bear weight on that left foot soon; however, I'm glad you have that surgery behind you! Vacation was great! We ended up staying 3 weeks! The starter on my daughter's car gave out, and they ended up staying an extra ( 3rd) week with us! We got in a lot of beach time and , of course, the kids love the water park!


Thanks, Kirsten. I was ready to do something a little different, glad you liked it!


Love your patterns, Jill. How was your vacation? I had surgery on my left ankle several weeks ago and got home from the rehab center Wednesday. Still 2 1/2 months with no weight bearing on that foot.


Fun patterns, Jill! And I like the rectangles for a change. Thanks! (•‿•)


You are very welcome, Jim. I'm glad you enjoyed the new shape!

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