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Horned-Toad Lizard

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I saw plenty roadrunners up until I moved into town about 10 years ago, but lightning bugs have been few and far between. The last time I saw lightning bugs was in 1989 or 1990. On a trip to New Hampshire, we stopped for the night somewhere in Pennsylvania. Our hotel room was on the 2nd floor in the back and when we stepped out on our balcony there were millions of lightning bugs literally covering a corn field. It looked like a huge city in the distance. I'll never forget it!

I used to see them quite a bit as a kid into my early teens in the Central Texas Hill Country. By my late teens and early twenty's seldom were they seen, same for the Road Runners and Lightening Bugs.

My son played with them as a little boy. They were everywhere here in East Texas then. I guess it has been more than 25 years since I've seen one now. I hope they make a come back.

Me too janclaire57. Seldom see them anymore.

I love horny toads!

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